(b) If available, load an image of a
uniform reflective board (under the
same experimental conditions) for flat
fielding into the bottom box on the
“targets” thumbnail and check the
option to "Flatfield visible-induced IR
luminescence with calibration targets
image" (Figure 3-81). If this is not
available leave this option
(c) Load the image(s) you want to
correct into the top box on the
“object” thumbnail (Figure 3-81). This
can be the same image as above or
another frame (e.g. another frame in
a series or a “twin” image not
containing the spectralon diffuse
reflectance standards, as described
in Chapter 2) taken with the same
Camera and under the same lighting
If available, load an image of a
uniform reflective board (under the
same experimental conditions of the
image) for flat fielding into the bottom
box on the “object” thumbnail (Figure
3-81) and check the option to
“Flatfield visible-induced IR
luminescence of object image”. If this
is not available leave this option
use_flatfield [7 Flatfield visible-induced IR luminescence with calibration targets image
Pair_flatfield NULL (label ++ " with calibration targets")
v | object label | visible-induced IR luminescence of object
use_flatfield { 7 Flatfield visble-induced IR luminescence of object image ]
S| fiatfield |
Pair_flatfield (targets.image) (label ++ " of object")
Pair. load "visible-induced IR luminescence"
flat-field correction to the images.