OCR Output

Workflow for the correction of visible-induced infrared luminescence (VIL) images.

Check that the all images or other information reguired in order to run this workspace are

e Calibrated VIS reflected image (including a Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey scale or
any number of Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards as available) obtained by
processing the corresponding visible-reflected image using the workflow for
correction of visible-reflected images (See above);

e Calibrated IRR image (including a Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey scale or any
number of Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards as available) obtained by
processing the corresponding IRR image using the workflow for correction of IR
and/or UV-reflected images (See above);

e Camera output file — VIL image (including a Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey scale
or any number of Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards as available) converted
from RAW as per instruction in section a;

e ICC profile for conversion from RAW (contained within the TIFF file);

e Image of uniform reflective board under the experimental conditions of visible-induced
infrared luminescence image for flat fielding, if available.

Loading the input images

1) Note that the previous workflow for correction of visible-reflected images and the
workflow for correction of IR and/or UV-reflected images must already have been
completed prior to running through this workflow. If this has not been done, return to
section i and ii, and proceed as directed before continuing.

2) Click on the “input” tab. Scroll along to the third column from the left and scroll down to
column H. This holds the input images required for this workflow (correction of visible¬
induced infrared luminescence images). If these were not uploaded previously, add
them as directed below. Open images by dragging them into the appropriate slot or left¬
click on the thumbnail, clicking “Replace From File”, and selecting the image required

(a) Load an image containing a
Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey
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scale or any number of Spectralom ( SEge\iaassiansrsillllllllllltitt


diffuse reflectance standards as | °° [77] Sze wincrnin on
available into the top box on the
“targets” thumbnail (Figure 3-80).
This image will be used to generate
the calibration and can be the image par-fatnal A
you want to correct or another image VI one
taken with the same camera and
under the same lighting conditions. It
can remain in place for batch¬


with calibration targets image

use_flatfield | 7) Fl


processing (see later) as long as the ! ca fandpckan maledae
camera and lighting conditions Pay bad Mebie-neueed IR bnnescens!
remain the same. Figure 3-80
Version No. 1.0 Date : 14/10/2013