OCR Output

ical Imaging\ John Cupitt zip files\bm2\bm-workspaces2.ws - specden





( label | IR reflectance


| straighten prompt | Position line along edge of reflectance standard in IR reflectance

line Arrow on B9.straighten_image at (2055, 1494), offset (-14, 8899

( enclose prompt | Enclose the reflectance standard with box

rotate_prompt | Rotate the reflectance standard to get white at the bottom-left

>| angle |Rotate by: | 90 degrees clockwise
rotate_widget 0 box, NULL == default


Y O- match brightness of IR to vis
3 (017 |93.3932 (99.3768 110.309
70.2314 | 74.6275 | 81.9123
55.6168 |59.0784 | 64.4936
46.4169 49.3505 54.4745
16.6738 17.5816 | 18.9226
10.6544 11.1988 12,0689
10.1987 10.7427 | 11.7736
2.41278 |2.5058 | 2,90566
A ors [20.874 (21.9618 [23.9126
16.112 16.9516 18.4574
12.8681 13.5387 14.7413
10.5366 | 11,0856 | 12.0704
4.37914 |4.60734 | 5.01659
3.01992 3.17729 | 3.45952
2.83306 2.9807 3.24546
0.980204 1.03128 1.12289
2| 018 Jo Ja. 2 Ja 4 5
93.3932 155.6168 — "46.4169 | 16.6738 10.654
A 159.0784 49.3505 17.5816 11.19
Matrix. transpose, item, action 017
‘O19 |0 1 2 3 4 5
20.874 — (16.112 | 12,8681 | 10.5366 4.37914 3.0195
21.9618 (16.9516 13.9387 (11.0856 (4.60734 (3.1772
Matrix_transpose_item.action 016
2/020 || slope | 4.580168 ci

(O)mb... | (w)cha...| (P)imR... | uns... [dd "ra 38 026... | Wo2s...| Wes... | Wes... | [Seaich Desktop (OS, OO SG 117

Figure 3-52

2.ws - specden

Input |Inear | marlup viscalb | uvicalb | align | specden | falzecolour|uvktray | uvkm |viktray vik | results | +
Y _A- match brightness of UV to vis
S [a7 193.3932 99.3768 110.309
70.2314 |74.6275 81,9123
55.6168 |59.0784 | 64.4936
46.4169 |49.3505 | 54.4745
16.6738 17.5816 | 18.9226
10.6544 11.1988 12.0689
10.1987 10.7427 | 11.7736
2.41278 |2.5058 | 2,90566
input.Pair_new align.£7.label align.£8 align.E9 viscalib.C35. matrix
2 straighten prompt | Position line along edge of reflectance standard in UV reflectance QJ ae [205555 [21.6267 23.5477
az 15.3381 16.1374 17.5709
\ | straighten image
12.1208 12,7524 | 13,8852
10.3317 | 10.8701 | 11.8356
3.47101 |3.65168 | 3.97627
line (00 line ArromonEZstralghten inane at (2055, 1494), offset 14,685) 2.13883 2.25028 | 2.45017
| _enclose_prompt | {__enclose_prompt | Enclose the reflectance standard with box 2.10404 2.21368 2.41032
A ET 0.398117 0.413603 0.450342
= S| 49 o la 2 13 4 B
= 93.3032 [70.2314 [55.6168 | 46.4169 |16.6738 | 10.654
hé 99.3768 [74.6275 (59.0784 (49.3505 —17.5816 11.198
2/410 Jo 1 2 3 4 5
HK Rotate the reflectance standard to get white at the bottom-left 2osss5 [15.3381 [12.1208 10.3317 [3.47101 _ | 2.1388
S 21.6267 [161374 127524 [10.6701 ]3.65188 [22502
S| a11 || slope | 4.506088
S| ange rotate by: (90 degrees clockwise ] | intercept | 0.7693335
rotate_widget 0 box, NULL == default [chi] 1.147485 íz
Ia a ID]
Wise 6B 0) Din... | (Wcha..| (P)irR... | HW uns... [[W ora 8 026...| W v26...| Wee... | Wes... | [Seach denon [0,00 SG 0

Figure 3-53