OCR Output


15) If the image is too dark or light, click View > Toolbar and check the “Display Control”
box. This will bring up a slider which allows the brightness to be adjusted. This change
is purely for visual purposes and will not alter the data.

16) To test the accuracy of the alignment, double left-click on the D26 “test_alignment”
thumbnail (Figure 3-48). This shows monochrome versions of the VIS and IRR images
in the green and red channels, respectively. The IRR image is transparent and overlaid
onto the VIS image to enable the accuracy of the alignment to be easily visualized.

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Figure 3-48

17) Scroll down to the VIS and IRR images to be calibrated (D1). These can be the same as
those in D26 (as shown in the above examples) or different images (as in Figure 3-49).

18) Double left-click on the D1 “reference” thumbnail to bring up the image view window
containing the VIS image and two points, Dl.ap1 and D1.ap2 (Figure 3-49). Zoom in or
out of the image as necessary by pressing “+” or “-” (or “i” or “o”) respectively. Note that
the image will update in real time, which may cause a slight response delay in larger

19) Move these to indicate a pair of features which are recognisable in both images. Better
accuracy is achieved if these points as far apart as possible.

20) Repeat the procedure for the IRR image by double leftclicking on the D1 “adjust”
thumbnail and moving the points D1.bp1 and D1.bp2 to the same locations as for the
VIS image.

21) Test the accuracy of the alignment by double left-clicking on the D1 “test_alignment”

Version No. 1.0 143 Date : 14/10/2013