(b) As above but some alteration in the position of the standards has occurred in the
VIS vs. the IRR and/or UVR images;
(c) Where the images used for calibration are not the same images to be calibrated,
either because it is a “twin” image not containing the standards (as in Figure 3-49)
or another frame taken with the same camera and lighting conditions. This may be
the situation if carrying out work in the field where site constraints may not allow the
standards to be easily included in the frame or if batch processing a number of
different frames taken with the same camera and under the same lighting
0 *F:\Technical Imaging\John Cupitt\zip files\bm2\bm-workspaces2.ws - align
Elle Edit View Toolkits Help
input linear | markup | viscalb | uvicalbj / align |fpecde
Y D- match IR to vis % oy E- match uv to vis % Í v A- match UV-induced visible luminescence to vis
falsecolour uvistray uvkm vilstray | vilkm results
3/023 | viecal.H10 2 {e7 | inear.x2 [a1 ) ucalb.B6
ap2 [Mark on EBireference at (2264, 2362) SL, a2 |nakon areerence a 264 2:
ap2 |Markon D26.reference at (2264, 23827 bp | Mark on EB.adjust at (2051, 1498) Sl, tpt |Markon cds at (2068, 899) ,
bp |Marken D26-adjust at (2050, 1486) bp2 | marion EBradjust at (2308, 2401) fal bp2 | mark on Azadi at (3160) 1490.)
bp2 | mark on B26 adjust at (2270, 2360)! 0 test_alignment 2) test alignment |
Match. default 026 D23.targets E7.targets Match, default 026 D23.targets Al. targets
Match 023.targets 024.targets 58
ap MerkonD26 reference at (2046, 1492)
—_———————— ES ee ID]
Bsrat| 6 o [GJ inoox- 0... | i] chapter... | (P) iRRUVREC... | HE unsaved... [dd *F-ATechn... WH O26.eFere...| { Seaich Desitop (OB OWO S & 1254
Figure 3-45
11) The alignment is carried out by selecting a pair of points in each image, the
corresponding IRR or UVR images are rotated and scaled according to the position of
these points in the corresponding images until these are aligned. Note that the VIS
images in the “reference” thumbnails are automatically carried over from the “viscalib”
tab. The IRR and UVR images in the “adjust” thumbnails are carried over from the
“linear” tab.
12) To align the Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards in the VIS and IRR images, double
left-click on the D26 “reference” thumbnail to bring up the image view window containing
the VIS image and two points, D26.ap1 and D26.ap2 (Figure 3-46). Zoom in or out of
the image as necessary by pressing “+” or “-” (or “i” or “o”), respectively. Note that the
image will update in real time, which may cause a slight response delay in larger
13) The points are moved by left-clicking and dragging on the label. Move these to indicate
a pair of features on the standards which are recognisable in both images. Better
accuracy is achieved if these points as far apart as possible. Note that it is not essential
Version No. 1.0 141 Date : 14/10/2013