OCR Output

cn A B 7

6) Note that if an image of a uniform reflective board under the same experimental
conditions of the images was not uploaded (or the options in the "input" tab indicated
above were not checked), the images in the “targets” and "object" thumbnails are in
linear light but no flat field correction has been applied to them.

Generating monochrome images

7) Scroll right to column K. This generates monochrome images (Figure 3-44) based on
the output from a single channel (the red channel for IRR images and the blue channel
for UVR images). This is the procedure described as “mono-izing” in Chapter 1.

8) The resultant images can be observed in K1 (IRR images) and K2 (UVR images).

Elle Edit View Tookits Help
| input | linear | markup / viscalb uvicalb , align specden falsecolour , uvistray _uvkm viltray vikm results +

+ st 2 ay

| 22) (correct pair (Pair_load “Visible reflectance"), Correct pair (Pair. load "IR... | >| k8 label | IR reflectance


v} 913} | label | visible reflectance targets_label | IR reflectance with calibration targets, just band 0

| targets_label | visible reflectance with calibration targets S targets

| J

| object label | IR reflectance of object, just band 0

| object label | visible reflectance of object iS object
". ANN

Mono. pair 0.314
3270 S| Ke label | UV reflectance
Cl] | label | IR reflectance targets_label | UV reflectance with calibration targets, just band 2

targets_label | IR reflectance with calibration targets S targets
S targets

| object label | UV reflectance of object, just band 2

| object label | IR reflectance of object § object
|. 2
| F

Mono. pair 2.215

3221 v| Ko label | visible-induced IR luminescence
v5) | label | UV reflectance targets label | visible-induced IR luminescence with calibration targets, just band 0

| targets_label | UV reflectance with calibration targets S targets
i a EF

| LD)
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Figure 3-44

Image registration: aligning the calibrated VIS image and the IRR or UVR image.

9) Click on the “align” tab to the right. Columns D and E register the VIS image and the
IRR or UVR images, respectively (Figure 3-45).

10) Two sets of images are observed in each column to allow the independent registration
of the Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards in the images containing these (D26 and
E8) and the images themselves (D1 and E9). This allows greater flexibility in order to
address various scenarios, e.g.:

(a) Where the images used for calibration are the same images to be calibrated and no
alteration in the position of the standards has occurred in the VIS vs. the IRR and/or
UVR images (as in Figure 3-45). This would be the expected situation in a studio

Version No. 1.0 140 Date : 14/10/2013