OCR Output

cn A B 7

(e) To correct an UVR image: Scroll down | © &- mrenecence x
to column F and follow the same] 22 ( tet) renectence
procedure as above S| targets | label | IR reflectance with calibration targets

S| image

Note that if both IRR and UVR images are 2 ESETT) cenianieransren
, , , ¥ | use_flatfield | ( Flatfield IR reflectance with calibration targets image
available, processing can proceed in A) athe
tandem. If only one of the images is required, | |
follow only the indications in the workflow for Par fiatfield NUL (abel ++ * with calibration targets")
the image of interest. | | lt sateen test

Sz image

| use_flatfield | () Flatfield IR reflectance of object image

= _

Pair_flatfield (targets. image) (label ++ " of object")
Pair_load "IR reflectance"


Figure 3-42

Converting the images to linear light (XYZ) using the embedded ICC profile and applying a
flat-field correction to the images.

4) Click on the “linear” tab to the right. Column J imports all the images in the “input” tab to
linear light (Figure 3-43) and applies a flat-field correction to the images.

5) Scroll down. The resultant flat-fielded, linear light (XYZ) images can be observed in J 14
(IRR images) and J 15 (UVR images) (Figure 3-43).

Eile Edit View Toolkits Help
input | linear markup | viscalb , uvkalb align specden | falsecolour | uvistray | uvkm ) vilstray | vikm | results +

| s270 S}r2| |

label | UV reflectance


4 label | IR reflectance | targets_label | UV reflectance with calibration targets, just band 2

“a EO
| KRRRRRNRRNÓ [bt vce tn

Ay ~ Ee
| Mono. pair 2 315

3271 Sl Ko) | label | visible-induced IR luminescence

ns label | UV reflectance | targets_label | visible-induced IR luminescence with calibration targets, just band 0

“Ee yy

object label | vistble-induced IR huminescence of object, just band 0



| object label


targets_label | UV reflectance with calibration targets

object label | UV reflectance of object object

iS object
Mono. pair 0.317

3272 ( J



us| | label | UV-induced visible luminescence


targets_label | UV-induced visible luminescence with calibration targets

ohiert lahal | 1 1/-indirad wicihla kiminaecanca of ahioct

iS targets


Bsrat| 6B o [DJ inbox...| C3 Pozzo...| (W}chopt..| 38 unsav...|[H “FAT... (P]visw... | (P]iRAU... [dd Far... | [5
Figure 3-43
Version No. 1.0 Date : 14/10/2013