OCR Output

31) On the “Save Image" pop-up window (Figure 3-36):

Name the file according to the naming conventions outlined in Chapter 2.
Select “TIFF” from pull-down file format menu.
Click “Save” on the bottom right hand corner of the pop-up menu.

(d) Repeat the process to save files in other formats such as J PEG, if required.


32) If multiple images have been taken with the same camera under the same lighting
conditions, they can be processed as a batch. The images are loaded by left-clicking
on the “object” thumbnail, in the “input” tab and clicking “Replace From File”, and
selecting the first image required, shift-clicking on the last image required, and pressing
"Open". The above steps will be applied to all the images selected.

33) The image in “objects” in the “results” tab (A3) will become a group of images. To save
these left-click on the “objects” thumbnail, and click on “Save As”. Name the files
according to the naming conventions outlined in Chapter 2. The images will be saved as
“x_001.tif, x_002.tif, x_003.tif,...” etc.

Version No. 1.0 134 Date : 14/10/2013
