OCR Output

cn A B 7

9) Move the endpoints of the line A21 (Figure 3-26) so that the line follows any of the
edges of the Macbeth chart. The image will be rotated to straighten it. Zoom in or out of
the image as necessary by pressing “+” or “-” (or “i” or “o”) respectively. Note that the
image will update in real time, which may cause a slight response delay in larger

File Edit View Tookits Help
| input / linear | markup ( viscalb |uvicalb align | specden , falsecolour , uvistray uvkm viltray vikm results Papernem—newemenrers
Eile View Help

Image, 2629x3912 32-bit float, 3 bands, XYZ, 117.70 MB, 9.45x9.45 p/mm |
( 42, 3911) 10.9622 — 12.1818 — 17.2872 Magnification 1:6

VA - mark position of Macbeth in visible-light reflectance image a

01421) | straighten prompt | Put line along edge of Macbeth

>) straighten image
Ji i]

line Arrow on [B1 .straighten, image, AZ1.straighten. image) at (1992, 558), offset (-6, 636)
enclose_prompt | Enclose the Macbeth with box

S| angle [Rotate by: [90 degrees anticlockwise

rotate_widget 0 box

Markup_macbeth linear.313

| z
Astat| 6B o (hire... | (W}che...| (P)vis... | Coram _| 3B uns... | Wl A... [dd FA... [dd Azt. [PH Aza [Soci Desktop [089320 SG 1512
Figure 3-27

10) Next, double left-click on the “box-image” thumbnail (Figure 3-27) and adjust the box
A21 on the image view window so that it just encloses the chart. The selection appears
in the “box” thumbnail.

11) Finally pick a rotation option from the drop-down menu in the “rotate” thumbnail (Figure
3-27) that orients the Macbeth chart correctly, with the white patch in the bottom left¬
hand corner.

12) Scroll right. Column B marks the position of the Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey
scale or any number of Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards as available, from the
image in B1. Note that this step is required for later workflows and can be omitted if only
correcting visible-reflected images.

13) Double left-click on the “straighten_image” thumbnail to open an image view window
(Figure 3-28).

14) Move the endpoints of the line B1 so that the line follows the edge of the Spectralon
diffuse reflectance grey scale (Figure 3-28) or the available Spectralon diffuse
reflectance standards (as in Figure 3-29). The image will be rotated to straighten it.
Zoom in or out of the image as necessary by pressing “+” or (or “i” or “o”)
respectively. Note that the image will update in real time.

Version No. 1.0 127 Date : 14/10/2013