OCR Output

cn A B 7

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Note that the images uploaded in the EN viscalb ) uvicalb align | specden falsecolour , uvistray ) uvikm ) vilstray / viki

“targets” tab will also automatically be [Ja vibeztehtreteetance x
uploaded to “object” tab. The latter can easily +2 za rar) sabe retecorce wit calératán ep

be replaced by dragging in the desired er


So use_flatfield | C) Flatfield visible reflectance with calibration targets image

! - _

Pair_flatfield NULL (label ++ " with calibration targets")

0 object | | label | visible reflectance of object

gé | use_flatfield / (] Flatfield visible reflectance of object image

LL _ /docsAutr

Pair_flatfield (targets. image) (label ++ " of object")

8 image

Pair load "visible reflectance"

Figure 3-23

V I- save output images as 16-bits? Pp.
3) Scroll down. Column (I) selects the il Tali
output depth at which the images will be
saved following post-processing. To B.
select an output depth of 16 bits, check
the “Output format is 16-bit” option. lesse

Leave unchecked to keep the bit depth
of the input image as the default.



— 2] | 57 Output format is 16-bit!

Toggle "Output format is 16-bit" (get_format 11 == 2)
| depth | 16

Figure 3-24

Converting the images to linear light (XY Z) using the embedded ICC profile and applying a
flat-field correction to the images.

4) Click on the “linear” tab to the right. Column J imports all the images in the “input” tab to
linear light (Figure 3-25) and applies a flat-field correction to the images.

5) The resultant flat-fielded, linear light (XYZ) images can be observed in J 13 (Figure

6) Note that if an image of a uniform reflective board under the same experimental
conditions of the images was not uploaded (or the options in the “input” tab indicated
above were not checked), the images in the “targets” and “object” thumbnails are in
linear light but no flat field correction has been applied to them.

Version No. 1.0 125 Date : 14/10/2013