OCR Output





The “linear” tab converts the images to linear light (XYZ) using
the embedded ICC profile and applies a flat-field correction to
the images (if an image of a uniform reflective board under the
same experimental conditions for flat-fielding is available and
the option is checked). It also generates monochrome images
based on the output from a single channel for the images
where this is required. For more details, refer to the workflows
for the correction of image sets in the sections below.

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| markup


The “markup” tab straightens and extracts the Macbeth chart
from the linearized, flat-field corrected VIS image to be used for
Calibration. It also marks the position of the Spectralon diffuse
reflectance grey scale or any number of Spectralon diffuse
reflectance standards as available.

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| viscalib |


The “viscalib” tab (visible-light calibration) generates the colour
Calibration matrix from the extracted Macbeth chart and sets
the brightness (luminance) of the image from the Macbeth chart
greyscale. It then applies the colour calibration to the VIS
image to be calibrated (based on the calibration matrix
generated from the Macbeth chart).

| Uvicalib |


The “uvicalib” (UV-induced Luminescence calibration) tab
applies the camera calibration and the white-point adjustment
to the UVL image. For more details, refer to the workflows for
the correction of UVL image sets in section iii below.



The “align” tab carries out the registration (rotation and scaling)
of two images to ensure that these are overlapped.

specden |


The “specden” tab (spectral density) corrects for spectral
density in the IRR and/or UVR images by comparing this to a
calibrated VIS image. For more details, refer to the workflows
for the correction of IRR/UVR image sets in section ii below.

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| falsecolour |


The “falsecolour”’ tab generates the IRR and/or UVR false¬
colour images. For more details, refer to the workflows for the
correction of IRR/UVR image sets in section ii below.


uvistray |


The “uvistray”’ tab (UV-induced Luminescence Stray light)
removes ambient stray radiation from the UVL image. For more
details, refer to the workflows for the correction of UVL image
sets in section iii below.

Version No. 1.0

120 Date : 14/10/2013
