OCR Output

Bc BR 7

Navigating the workspace

9) The "input" tab allows the images to be post-processed, together
with any associated images reguired (e.g. for flat-field correction)
to be added into the workspace.


(a) There are 5 columns for the input of images under this tab: "visible light reflectance"
(column A), "IR reflectance" (column E), "UV reflectance" (column F), "UV-induced
visible luminescence" (column G) and “visible-induced IR luminescence” (column H).
Each column has four separate boxes. The top two containing the image to be used to
generate the calibration and the associated flat-field image (if available) and lower two
containing the image to be calibrated and the associated flat-field image (if available).
These two sets can be the same (and are automatically entered as such) or another
frame (e.g. a "twin" image not containing the calibration targets, as described in Chapter
2) taken with the same camera and under the same lighting conditions can be added to
the lower set of images. For more details, refer to the workflows for the correction of
image sets in the sections below.

If processing a complete multispectral image set, the relevant images can be uploaded
all at once or at the start of the workflow for each particular frame. It must however be
kept in mind that the results from some workflows may be required in order to complete
others. Not all the columns must be filled, only those required to complete the workflows
of interest. At minimum only a visible-reflected image (including Macbeth chart for colour
calibration) is required.


B F:\Technical Imaging\John Cupitt\zip files\bm2\bm-workspaces2.ws - input a x
File Edit View Tookits Help
input | linear markup ; viscalb uvicalib align | specden falsecolour uvistray | uvikm | vilstray ! vilkm results +

[va = visible-light reflectance x


Vw E- IRreflectance

A2 label | visible reflectance s

_ label } TR reflectance

3) targets label | visible reflectance with calibration targets E label | IR reflectance with calibration targets

pflectance with calibration targets image >| use, fiatfield | (I Flatfield IR reflectance with calibration targets ima

flat __ TOVA flatfield
Recalculate dinteg d B J

Pair_flatfie Reset Pair_flatfield NULL (label ++ " with calibration targets")



S) object | | 1 vette S| object label | IR reflectance of abject

use_flatfield | () Flatfield visible reflectance of object image

Le as

Pair_flatfield (targets.image) (label ++ " of object")

Pair_load “visible reflectance"

Si image

use_flatfield CO Flatfield IR reflectance of object image

= Se

Pair_flatfield (targets. image) (label ++ " of object")



Pair. load "IR reflectance"


I- save output images as 16-bits? Vo F- UVreflectance

{i — 13] Typical input image S| F2 label | UV reflectance

a Al, fi
v v targets

Bstert| 6G 0] [Ő] inbox... | 9 Forman... [38 unsave.. | (W] chapter... [dd F:ATech... (P]VIS wor... | Se Mydocu... | [Seaich Desk
Figure 3-18

label | UV reflectance with calibration targets



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To input the images, either drag them into the appropriate slot or left-click on the
thumbnail, click “Replace From File’, and select the image required (Figure 3-18). For
more details, refer to the workflows for the correction of image sets in the sections

119 Date : 14/10/2013