OCR Output

Table 3-1. Description of the image corrections/transformations which must be applied for each type
of image correction and the workflow developed to carry it out.


1) Reflected Images (UV-VIS-IR)

i. VIS images
e Spatial inhomogeneities of light source

e Spectral density of the light source and non-linear VIS
camera response

e Camera response (colour calibration for visible¬
reflected images)

ii. IRR-UVR images:
e Spatial inhomogeneities of radiation source

e Spectral density of the radiation source and non-linear
camera response IRR/UVR/false-colour

e Image registration (for the creation of false colour
e Generation of false colour images

2) Photo-induced Luminescence Images (UVL-VIVL-VIL)

i. VIL images
e Spatial inhomogeneities of light source VIL

e Subtraction of ambient stray radiation

ii. UVL images
e Spatial inhomogeneities of radiation source

e Subtraction of ambient stray radiation UVL
e Correction for camera response/camera calibration
e Pigment-binder interaction

ili. VIVL images Not in scope (but could
e As for UVL images? be developed based on

UVL workspace)

Version No. 1.0 116 Date : 14/10/2013