OCR Output



1 Warda, J . (Editor), Frey, F., Dawn Heller, D., Kushel, D., Vitale, T., Weaver, G., ‘The AIC Guide to
Digital Photography and Conservation Documentation’ Washington, D.C., American Institute for
Conservation of Historic and Artistic W orks, (2011), 21-38.
guide/? &pagenum=5
" For example; Warda, J . (Editor), Frey, F., Dawn Heller, D., Kushel, D., Vitale, T., Weaver, G., ‘The
AIC Guide to Digital Photography and Conservation Documentation’ Washington, D.C., American
Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic W orks, (2011), 38-42.
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Adriaens, London: Archetype Publications, (2003), 248-252.
5 A. Casini, Proceedings of "Conservation Science 2002", edited by}. H. Townsed, K. Eremin and A.
Adriaens, Archetype Publications, London, 2003 (ISBN 1-873132-88-3)
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objects", in Proceedings of SPIE 7391, O3A: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology II, eds.
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8 Verri, G., The spatially resolved characterisation of Egyptian blue, Han blue and Han purple by
photo-induced luminescence digital imaging’, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

394(4) (2009), 1011-1021.

29 htto://www.conservation-by-design.co.uk/productdetails.aspx? id=369&itemno=BDP LAW 0015

1 http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/index.php?title=Colour calibration with nip2

2 http://xritephoto.com/ph_ product overview.aspx? catid=28

3 McCamy, C.S., Marcus, H., and Davidson, J .G., "A Color Rendition Chart," J ournal of Applied
Photographic Engineering 11(3) (Summer issue, 1976), 95-99.

24 Warda, J. (Editor), Frey, F., Dawn Heller, D., Kushel, D., Vitale, T., Weaver, G., ‘The AIC Guide to
Digital Photography and Conservation Documentation’ Washington, D.C., American Institute for
Conservation of Historic and Artistic W orks, (2011), 42-46.

55 http://xritephoto.com/ph_product_overview.aspx? id=1257 &catid=28

25 http://www.labsphere.com/uploads/datasheets /diffuse-reflectance-standards-product-sheet.pdf

Version No. 1.0 100 Date : 14/10/2013