OCR Output

The general naming convention, with the exception of visible-induced infrared luminescence,
follows this rule:

Registration number_description/identifier_sequential number filter used_sequential number

— A description/identifier is optional but allows separate frames of the same subject to be
identified, e.g. full frame vs. details.

— The first sequential number allows the images to be kept in the right order.

— The filter used identifies the type of image.

— The second sequential number identifies the number of variants of the same image type.

VIS image: 65346 01 idas.CR2

IRR image (first exposure): 65346 02 rg830 01.CR2

IRR image (second exposure): 65346 02 rg830 02.CR2

UVR image (first exposure): 65346 03 dug11 01.CR2

Version No. 1.0 96 Date : 14/10/2013