Figure 2-20. Two visisble-reflected images taken under identical conditions, known as "twin images"
in (a) the image is recorded without the targets and in (b) the image is recorded with an X-Rite
ColorC hecker and Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards are held in front of the object.
v. General camera settings
The following are meant as general guidelines, for detailed camera settings refer to the
instruction manual for the camera used.
Image-recording quality and format
The images should be acquired in native digital camera RAW formats, e.g. CR2 (Canon),
ERF (Epson), DCR, K25, KDC (Kodak), NEF (Nikon), ORF (Olympus), PEF (Pentax), RAF
(Fuji), RW2 (Panasonic) and ARW, SRF, SR2 (Sony).
If the option to export both RAW +JPEG files is available this may also be used, but
ensuring that the camera is set to save and export the RAW file is the priority.
White balance
By far the best white balance solution is to photograph using the RAW file format (if the
camera supports this), as this allows the most flexibility in post-processing (See Chapter 3).
Camera mode
Manual mode (M)
Picture style
Turn off all default image improvements, such as sharpness, contrast, saturation, etc. If
available, select Picture style ‘Neutral’.
Self-timer mode
Set the camera to timer (2 s or 10 s), to avoid camera shake during long captures. Or use
the camera remote control, if available to capture the shot.
Version No. 1.0 60 Date : 14/10/2013