OCR Output


Grant Agreement n" 228330

examination location) should also be carefully controlled, as they can significantly interfere
with the interpretation of the luminescence.

Filter in front of the camera:

For UV-reflected images a filter is reguired which will block radiation in the visible and IR
regions (400 - 1100 nm). This would reguire a filter with properties similar to the Schott glass
DUGI1IIX filter (see Figure 2-8 for transmittance curve and recommendations for alternatives

BLB UV lamp



300 — 385400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
wavelength (nm)

350 400 700 1100
Wavelength range of a typical camera CCD/CMOS sensor

Figure 2-7. Schematic representation of the spectral output distribution (SPD) of a BLB ultraviolet light
compared to the wavelength range of a CCD/CMOS sensor. Shading shows wavelengths to be
excluded (filtered) in the acquisition of UV-reflected images.

Note that although the sensitivity of camera sensors is typically 200 — 1100 nm, the range
will be attenuated to the quoted 350 — 1100nm (in the modified cameras described in this
work) because of the widespread use of glass lenses. This would yield “UV-reflected”
images in the range 350 — 400 nm, with the filters recommended above. In order to collect
images that can truly be referred to as UV-reflected, quartz lenses would need to be used,
which would make the range of acquisition of these images) approximately 225 — 400 nm
with the filters recommended above. However, it should be noted that the sensitivity of
camera sensors drops off significantly at the extremes of its wavelength range (see Figure

Version No. 1.0 49 Date : 14/10/2013