OCR Output




! Fischer C. and Kakoulli I., "Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging technologies in conservation:
current research and potential applications", Reviews in Conservation 7 (2006) 3-16

? Saunders, D. , Billinge, R., Cupitt, J., Atkinson N. and Liang, H., A New Camera for High-R esolution
Infrared Imaging of Works of Art’, Studies in Conservation, 51 (2006), 277-290.

> Digital Heritage: applying digital imaging to cultural heritage, ed. MacDonald, L. W., Butterworth¬
Heinemann (2006).

“ Mairinger, F., ‘UV-, IR- and X-ray imaging’, in Non-destructive microanalysis of cultural heritage
materials, eds. Janssens, K. and Van Grieken, R., Elsevier (2004) 16-66.

> Bomford, D. (ed.), Art in the Making: Underdrawing in Renaissance Paintings, National Gallery
Company, London, 2002.

, Lacowicz, J.R., “Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy” 3rd Edition, Springer, 2006.

"de la Re. E. R., "Fluorescence of paint and varnish layers (part 1), Studies in Conservation 27
(1982) 1¬

" de la Rie, E. R., ‘Fluorescence of paint and varnish layers (part 2), Studies in Conservation 27
(1982) 65-69.

" de la Rie, E. R., ‘Fluorescence of paint and varnish layers (part 3)’, Studies in Conservation 27
(1982) 102-108.

"9 Sotiropoulou, S. and Dyer, J., ‘A novel integrated approach to photo-induced luminescence imaging
for the simultaneous screening of visible and infrared emitting luminescent pigments found in works of
art’, J ournal of Cultural Heritage (2013). In preparation.

‘! Bridgman, C. F. and Gibson, H. L., ‘Infrared Luminescence in the Photographic Examination of
Paintings and Other Art Objects, Studies in Conservation 8 (1963) 77-83.

? Accorsi, G., Verri, G., Bolognesi, M., Armaroli, N., Clementi, C., Miliani, C. and Romani, A., ‘The
exceptional near-infrared luminescence properties of cuprorivaite (Egyptian blue)’, Chemical
Communications (2009) 3392-3394.

B Verri, G., The application of visible-induced luminescence imaging to the examination of museum
objects", in Proceedings of SPIE 7391, O3A: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology II, eds.
Pezzati L. and Salimbeni R. (2009) 739105.

* It is likely that some component of the emission of manganese blue at 1200 nm reported here
arises from infrared-induced luminescence. G. Verri, The application of visible-induced luminescence
imaging to the examination of museum objects. (2009) Proc. Of SPIE Vol. 7391, 739105.

° Aldrovandi, A. , Buzzegoli, E., Keller, A. and Kunzelman, D., ‘Investigation of painted surfaces with a
reflected UV false colour technique’, in Art’05 - 8th International Conference on "Non Destructive
Investigations and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and
Environmental Heritage." Lecce (Italy), 15-19 May 2005.

© Clementi C., Rosi F., Romani A., Vivani R., Brunetti B.G, and Miliani, C.,‘Photoluminescence
properties of zinc oxide in paints: a study of the effect of self-absorption and passivation’, Applied
Spectroscopy 66(10) (2012) 1233-1241.

"Thoury M., Echard J. P., Réfrégiers M., Berrie B., Nevin A., Jamme F. and Bertrand L.,
‘Synchrotron UV- Visible multispectral luminescence microimaging of historical samples’, Analytical
Chemistry 83(5) (2011) 1737-1745.

®Verri, G., The spatially resolved characterisation of Egyptian blue, Han blue and Han purple by
photo- induced luminescence digital imaging’, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
394(4) (2009), 1011-1021.

19 Thoury, M., Delaney, J. K., Rie E. R., Palmer, M., Morales, K. and Krueger, J., ‘Near-infrared
luminescence of cadmium pigments: in situ identification and mapping in paintings’, Applied
spectroscopy 65(8) (2011) 939-951.

" Verri G., Opper T. and Deviése T., ‘The ‘Treu Head’: a case study in Roman sculptural polychromy’,
Technical research Bulletin, The British Museum, Archetype Publications, London (2010), 4, 39-54.

2 Ambers J., Higgitt C. and Saunders D. (eds), ‘Italian Renaissance Drawings: technical examination
and analysis’, Archetype Publications, London (2010).

22 Giacometti, A., Campagnolo, A., MacDonald, L., Mahony, S., Terras, M., Robson, S., Weyrich,T.,
and Gibson, A., ‘Cultural heritage destruction: Documenting parchment degradation via multispectral
imaging’, in: Proceedings of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2012), London (U.K.) 10-12
J uly 2012.

Version No. 1.0 39 Date : 14/10/2013