OCR Output

Bc A BR 7

greement n" 228330

Figure 1-26 shows the images shown in Figure 1-25, in more detail.

Figure 1-26. UV-induced luminescence images image of a detail from a wall painting fragment from
the British Museum (Winged youth from the Tomb of the Nasonii, 1883,0505.5) (a) uncorrected for the
pigment-binder effect and (b) following correction. (c) Visible-reflected image and (d) UV-reflected
image of the same wall painting fragment.

The uncorrected image (Figure 1-26 (a)) generally shows a strong blue luminescence (with
the exception of the dark areas which have undergone conservation). However, the figure
can still be distinguished, as its luminescence is different from the background. The
corrected image (Figure 1-26 (b)) shows a uniform distribution of luminescence and the
anatomical details of the figure are less distinguishable. By contrast, the correction does not
have an effect on the white background, which reflects radiation uniformly. This result is
indicative of the presence of a layer of varnish which absorbs all the UV radiation, as

Version No. 1.0 33 Date : 14/10/2013