OCR Output

u.a ,
1.04 [d | “a, 4— B 504 Oriel-calibrated Light source


Intensity /a.u.


Transmittance normalis;

029 / / "aa \ | ate 104
a kH gaa

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if a
ee aoe a”
2 5-6 eee’ Se oe eocces 8s,

T t T T T T T
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 400 500 600 700

Wavelength/nm Wavelength/nm

monochromator F—— akt brated J
ight source
Camera with Camera with
set white set white
balance balance

Figure 1-16. Scheme showing the procedure for measuring the spectral sensitivity of the camera
sensor, characterized by means of a calibrated Czerny-Turner monochromator and a calibrated light
source (Oriel-QTH).

— Image registration
The dimensions of the UV- and IR-reflected images are different from those of the visible

The adjustment in focal point in capturing each of these images results in the difference in
size observed. As a result, overlaying these images for comparisons or processing them to
produce false-colour images can be challenging, as it often requires manual adjustment and
resizing of the images. A tool in nip2 was previously developed for this purpose. Although
this tool does not fully automate the procedure, it facilitates it by enabling the user to pick
similar points in the images of interest which it uses as reference. It also enables the batch¬
processing of image sets. This module will thus be integrated into the workflow for the
correction of reflected images for particular application to the creation of false-colour images,
as discussed in Chapter 3.

— Summary

Figure 1-17 and Figure 1-18 summarise the workflows which will be used in the development
of the post-processing software, based on the correction requirements discussed in this
section. They highlight the transformations which must be carried out for each image set and
also record the requirements in terms of images or files which will be necessary for the post¬
processing software to carry out the image correction procedure. Development and
operation of the software will be discussed further in Chapter 3.

Version No. 1.0 20 Date : 14/10/2013