OCR Output

The subject of this sketch was born in the County
of Grenville, December 11th, 1830, being the son of


J. C. MILLER, M. P. P.

Loyalist family, his grandfather having served in

cate of North Augusta. Mr. Pardee married the
daughter of J. K. Forsyth, of Sombra.
called to the Bar of Ontario in 1861, and elected a
Bencher of the Law Society in 1871. He entered
upon public life as the representative of West
Lambton, in the Local Legislature in 1867, being
re-elected by acclamation in 1871, and also elected
at the last general election. On the 25th of October,
1872, he was appointed a member of the Executive

He was

Council, accepting the portfolio of Provincial Sec¬
retary, a position which he held until the 4th of
December, 1873, when he became Commissioner of
Crown Lands, an office he still retains. In addition
to his parliamentary duties, he conducts a large
legal business, and, in recognition of his abilities,
he was, in 1876, appointed Queen’s Counsel.



Mr. Dickey was born at Rockfield, County of
Antrim, Ireland, about the year 1800. At an early
age he published a volume of poems, the proceeds
of which were expended in acquiring an education.
In 1820 he removed to Canada, and settled on a
farm in the Township of Yonge, where he married
Jane, eldest daughter of Peter Purvis, Esq. Mr.
Dickey taught school, and pursued his studies for
the ministry. He was ordained by the Brockville
Presbytery, March 1st, 1836, and placed in charge
of the united congregations of Williamsburg and
the RECORDER, furnishing a number of poems of
more than average merit. He died in 1857, his
remains being interred at North Williamsburg.—
Mr. Croil, the historian of Dundas, refers to his

labors in terms of marked approval.

He was for many years a contributor to


The Throop family is of Scotch descent. Benja¬
min, grandfather of the subject of the present sketch,
resided at Latchfield, Connecticut, and at that place
Samuel was born. Samuel came to Canada, settling
in Augusta, where he married Abagail Blakesley,
raising a family of two sons and five daughters.—
Three of the daughters married respectively, James
Bishop, John Lane, and Arvin Bartlett.

. Benjamin N. Throop was born in Augusta, on the
gth of January, 1811. On the 11th of March, 1835,
he married Miss Hill, who has borne him four chil¬
dren, the sons being James, Wellington, and Israel.

. Joseph A. Throop was born in 1817, and resides
on the homestecd,

to Canada. He took up his residence in the County

of this sketch) was born in 1796.

John C. Miller was born in the Township of
Yonge, December 16th, 1836. In 1859, he married
Adelaide Augusta, only daughter of Dr. A. A. Cham¬
berlain, of Farmersville. Entering upon tke mer¬
cantile business at Seeley’s Bay, he took an active
part in all political contests. Subsequently he was
appointed Deputy Sheriff of Leeds and Grenville,
but on the formation of the Legislative Assembly
for Ontario, received the appointment of Superin¬
tendent of Woods and Forests, in the Crown Lands
Department for Ontario. In consequence of partial
loss of eyesight, he was compelled to resign, when
he entered upon the lumbering business upon an
extensive scale at Parry Sound, with the head office
at Toronto.

Mr. Miller was first returned to Parliament at the
last general election for Ontario, but was unseated
This dect¬
sion was, however, reversed by the Court of Error

and disqualified September 17th, 1875.

and Appeal, January 22nd, 1876. As the representa¬

tive of Muskoka and Parry Sound, he has been one

House of the development of the internal resources
of the Province, by the liberal expenditure of public
noney for railways and colonization roads, thus
opening up the back country for settlement. A
ready debater and a careful observer of public
affairs, his influence in the House is highly credit¬

able to the constituency which he represents.

C. MiB. CORNELL, ' M: D.

Dr. Cornell was born at Toledo,and began the study
of his profession with his father, Dr. S. S. Cornell.
In 1869-70, he visited New York and Philadelphia,
prosecuting his clinical studies. In 1872, he gradu¬
ated at Queen's College, becoming a member of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons in the same
year. He commenced the practice of his profession
at Toledo, permanently locating at Famersvill2

in 1375.

The late J: W. Hough was born in London, (Eng.)
The sole

surviving member of the original family is Mr.
George Hough, of Augusta.

Leeds County.