JOHN STREET. This church was established July 4th, 1875, to
meet the reguirements of the parish, the members
Mr. John S. Leggett was born in the County of | of which had, up to that date, worshipped -at St.
Leeds, and having acquired a knowledge of the | Peters.
carriage business removed to New York City, where
he was employed in several of the largest carriage
The building is. an elegant structure of 44
blue limestone, and when the tower is completed |
will present a very beautiful appearances. It was
factories on this continent. Returning to his native | erected in 1876, and dedicated in May, 1877. The
a :
Province, he established the present factory in | pastor, the Rev. E. P. Crawford, has been untiring
Brockville. During his sojourn here he has built | jn his exertions in behalf of the new church, which
some of the finest carriages that have ever been | has already cost about $20,000.
constructed in Canada. His motto is *“* The best.
work in the market,” and he well deserves the THe Baptist CHURCH.
excellent reputation which he has acquired. See The new church is situated on the’ site of the old
. view of residence.
one—the south-east corner of Court House Square.
The edifice is of blue limestone, appropriately faced
STARR, GILL & COMPANY’S with white crystalized limestone, and in architec¬
tural beauty has no peer in Central Canada. In
1844, the first Baptist Church of Brockville was
Snibce OPERETT dedicated upon the present site by Dr. Boyd. At
that time the membership was twenty; it has since
This extensive establishment, situated on Church | increased to 145.
The Kev. Mr. Montgomery is the
The dedication services were held
Hall, is conducted by John M. and Robert Gill. | Sunday, March 23rd, 1879.
Street, but a short distance from the St. Lawrence | present pastor.
. The business is an extensive one, and its connections
extend over the greater portion of the Province of | METHODIST EpiscopaL CHURCH.
Ontario. The biscuit and confectionery manufac- | After the disruption of the Methodist Church, the
tured have maintained the reputation of the makers | members of the Methodist Episcopal Church erected
against all rivals, while constantly augmented sales | ac a place of worship the building now occupied by
demonstrate the satisfactory relations which exist | W. Botsford as a grocery store. The Society was
not prosperous, and eventually services ceased to be
I | held with regularity. The present church was
Prominent among the manufacturing industries | |e principally through the exertions of the
Rev. A. D. Traveller. In 1874, the contract was
awarded, though the membership was only thirteen.
| On the itith of March, 1875, the church was dedi¬
cated by the Rev. Dr. Ives. -The building is an
elegant brick structure, with 4oo sittings. The
Society is in a flourishing condition, the membership
| being nearly 200,
between the firm and customers.
of the town are the Novelty Works of James Smart,
the Agricultural Implement Works of G. M. Cossitt
& Brother; the Iron Works of Smart & Shepherd ;
the Victor Wringer Works, of Smith & Company ;
the Glove Factory of James Hall; the Tannery of
A. G. McCready & Son ; the Boiler Works of Black
Brothers; the Sash and Blind Factory of Tilley &
. Briggs ; the Nitro-glycerine Works of Dr. Volney ;
the Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate Works of Sy Francis XAVIER CHURCH.
the Brockville Chemical Company; the Machine
Shops of the Brockville and Ottawa and Canada
Central Railway ; the Machine Shops of the Grand
Trunk Railway ; the Alkali Works of James Cowan; |
and various minor establishments.
The present church was erected in 1855, under the
pastorate of the Rev. Father Kelly, who was suc¬
ceeded by the Rev. Dr. O’Brien, now the Right
Rev. Lord Bishop of Kingston. Under the guid¬
ance of Dr. O’Brien, the congregation rapidly
increased, the church debt was paid, and many
important improvements made. The church is a
This Society was formed by the Rev. Isaac Puffer, | substantial limestone structure, with a seating
who acted as pastor, and established services, which | capacity for 1,000, It is provided with a superior
were held in the Court House.. The church was | organ, the cost of which was $1,600. na 7 OTARB
erected in 1828, and has been twice remodelled In 1876, an elegant and substantial residence was ~ —
‘since. The membership at present is about 250, | erected for the parish priest, the Rev..I. J. i teh he
the Rev. James Elliott, D.D., being the present pastor. | who succeeded Dr. O’Brien. — |
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