OCR Output


firm built a new factory, where the business is at
present conducted, entering upon the manufacture
of rivets of iron and copper, tubular rivets, patent
tubular rivets, shoe-lacing studs, and other hardware.
The machines employed are of the most perfect
description, the business being conducted upon an
extensive scale. In 1873, a disastrous fire swept
away their factory and warehouse, but all was
promptly rebuilt, and their factory is at present
one of the most successful in Gananoque.


When David Brown was eight years of age, he came

Upon the organization of the Gananoque Spring
Manufacturing Company, Mr. McCammon was
chosen manager, and has conducted the business
in the most satisfactory manner.

In 1854, Mr. McCammon married Mary Jane,
third daughter of Joshua Legge, Sr. She has
borne him three sons and one daughter. One
son is studying medicine in Kingston, and one is
a Civil Engineer, at present engaged on the
Northern Colonization Railway.

Mr. McCammon is a prominent member of the
Conservative party, and has frequently been men¬

Settlement was made on Lot No. 35, in the 6th
Concession of Edwardsburg, where Mr. Brown
remained until the date of his death, in July, 1863.
Born in 1789, he was present at the capture of
Ogdensburg, and served his country during the
entire Campaign. . Sylvester, the oldest son, retains
the homestead. He was present at the battle of
the Windmill.

KR. Brown, the third son, was born in the Township
of Mountain, in 1851. Having acquired a thorough
knowledge of the drug business, he began trade for
himself in Morrisburg, in 1874, being one of the firm
of Carman and Brown In 1875, he removed to
Gananoque, and is now proprietor of one of the
best drug stores in Central Canada. He has built

Condition Powders. His thorough knowledge of
his business has given him an extensive trade as

a dispenser.


The subject of this sketch was born in the County
of Tyrone, Ireland, in 1830. He came to Canada
with his father, James McCammon, in the following
year. James, Jr., is a graduate of OQueen’s College,

Kingston, and practices medicine in that city.
Samuel was educated at Kingston, and at the
Normal School, Toronto, graduating at the latter
seat of learning in 1851. Entering upon the pro¬
. fession of teaching, Mr. McCammon continued his
labors in that department for six years. In 1858,
he was appointed Clerk of the Division Court at
Gananoque; and engaged in the drug business
from 1863 to 1876, when he disposed of his interest.
At the time of the Trent affair, he assisted in organ¬
izing the Gananoque Field Battery, of which he was

chosen lieutenant, with D. Ford Jones, Esq., as
captain. On the promotion of Mr. Jones to the rank
of major, Mr. McCammon became captain, being
. subsequently transferred to the Reserved Militia of
Leeds as Lieutenant-Colonel.



W. 5. FRALEIGH, M. D., was born near Picton, in
1546. He graduated at McGill College in 1869, and
commenced the practice of his profession at Selby,
removing to Newburgh, and from thence to Napanee,
where he remained for four years. He removed to

Gananoque in 1877, where he at present resides.

EpwarpD L. ATKINSON, M. D., was born in the
City of New York, of English parents, in 1842.
He graduated at Victoria College in 1866. He
commenced the practice of his profession in the
County of Wentworth, removing to Gananoque in
1869, where he has since devoted himself to the
duties of his profession.

EDGAR H. Merrick, M. D., was born in Merrick¬
ville. In 1864, he graduated at the University of
Victoria College, receiving a Provincial license in
1865. For one year he practiced in North Gower,
removing to Gouverneur, New York, where he
remained for two years. In 1871, he commenced
practice in Gananoque. Dr. Merrick is the Surgeon
of the Gananoque Field Battery.



Tuis family name, which can be traced back for
600 years, first occurs in the County Palatine of Lan¬
caster, where a son of Adam de Boothe was living
in 1275. All of the families of this name residing
in England and America are believed to be derived
from this parent stock.

The spelling of the name has been repeatedly
changed. Among the forms are Both, Bothe, Bouth,
Bouthe, Boothe, and Booth.