OCR Output

Brockville ; and Russell B.
George Hutton married Miss Hall, of Elizabeth¬
town. Mr. Hutton occupies the homestead, and is

one of the leading and prosperous farmers of the

Township of Wolford, <r em Aves, te


This family of United Empire -Loyalists was
originally from Stillwater, New York, but removed
to Canada at a very early date. Samuel McCrea
was accompanied by his sons, the family receiving a
large grant of land from the government. The
McCreas first located in Augusta, where James
remained until his death.

Samuel, John, Edward, and Thomas settled in
Montague, while Alexander, after a short residence
at Burritt’s ; Rapids, removed to the vicinity of
Easton’s Corners.

John occupied Lot No. 12, in the rst Concession
of Montague. He was born in 1777, and married
Phoebe Edmunds. His son, John,
Louisa Spencer, and resides on a part of the original
homestead. John, Sr., cut the first road leading
from Montague to Perth, and for many years he
was employed by the Scotch settlers to convey them
to the banks of the Tay. At that time the only
store in Merrickville was kept by John L. Reed, who
supplied the new comers, not only of Montague, but
also of Perth. Mr. McCrea at one time carried on
his back, from Brockville to Montague, the following
articles : The flour from one bushel of wheat, one
broad axe, one set of drag teeth, and one log chain.
Upon one occasion he was compelled to proceed to
Montreal to secure a supply of salt. On his way
Mr. McCrea
swam around the team, and finally got them out.
Proceeding to the shore, he was fortunate enough
to find a brand of fire, left by some parties who had
camped by the roadside: the result was that the

Jr., married

home, his horses fell through the ice.

hardy pioneer was saved from perishing.

Mr. Edward McCrea, who resides on a part of the
original grant, is a gentleman possessing an elegant
residence. He is an active Justice of the Peace, and
one of the most influential and prosperous farmers
of Montague.

Sylvester McCrea, son of Thomas, resides on Lot
No. 3, in the rst Concession of Montague, his father
having occupied the lot now held by the son.
Thomas McCrea married Sarah Lake, and after
her demise, Sophia Holmes, the sister of Richard
Holmes, of Kitley. His children by his first
wife were Samuel; and Elizabeth, who married R.
Burrows; by his second wife: Thomas, Sophia,


County Treasurer of Ottawa; Adeline, married
Alfred Derrick; Sarah; Jennett, married: Burrett
Thomas ; and Sylvester.

Sylvester was born December 14th, 1826, and
married Sarah, daughter of Daniel Knapp.

Thomas McCrea, Sr., was appointed a captain of
the 3rd Regiment of Grenville Militia, in 1840, by
Sir George Arthur. Ata period subsequent to this
he was an ensign of a flank company of the 2nd
Regiment of Grenville.

Ninian McCrea, son of Thomas, was born January
28th, 1822. He married Polly, daughter of Israel
Knapp, of Lake Loyada, in the Township of Yonge.

of Montague.


Mr. Burritt was born June 29th, 1804, on Lot No.
25, in the rst Concession of Marlborough, and resides
upon the homestead. In 1832, he married Esther
Young, daughter of Adaniram Young, of Marl¬
borough. Mr. Young was one of the British
soldiers who engaged in the battle at Queenston
Heights. Mr. Burritt has raised the following
family: Amelia; Lucius, married Jennett Laird;
Edwin, who married Melinda Black; also William
Henry, who lives with his father. Mr. Burritt is
one of the oldest surviving pioneers of the Rideau.


James Thompson was born January rst, 1798, in
the County of Stirling, Scotland. In 18o1, his father
and family emigrated to Canada, settling first in
Lower Canada, but removing to the District of
Johnstown in 1807. They found a permanent home
in Escott, in which municipality Mr. Thompson
continued to reside up to the date of his death,
February 7th, 1879. At the age of fifteen, Mr.
Thompson joined the militia, and surved during
the War of 1812, being present at the capture of
Ogdensburg. The ability of Mr. Thompson was
repeatedly recognized by the electors, who made
him a representative in the old District Council,
and subsequently in the Counties’ Council. He
also held the office of Justice of the Peace for

many years.


This Lodge was organized October 28th, 1853, the
charter members being Stephen H. Merrick and
wife, Robert Riddell and wife, John Cranston, Alex.
McGee, Thomas J. Graffe, Richard Hanna, John
Mills, J. C. Lonsdale and wife, Ransom Stone and
