Among the prominent citizens of the Township
were the Holdens (see the Holden Family), James
Holden, the original pioneer, having seven sons.
John, a son, located in Prescott. He was one of
the first Councillors, and held many important
positions. He married a daughter of the late Billa
Flint. Erastus settled in Belleville. He married
Margaret Hall. Dr. Rufus Holden married Mary
Clement in 1830. Healso settled in Belleville, and
for many years served as a minister of the Gospel.
Hiram married, in 1834, a daughter of Thomas
Buck ; he settled in Shannonville. David married,
in 1835; Jane, a daughter of the Rev. William Mc¬
Fadden. James, in 1836, married Chloe, daughter
of Anthony Wood. Hester, in 1834, married Mer¬
rick Sawyer, and settled in Belleville. Mary married
Erastus Couch; Anna married John McMullan ;
Eliza married Matthew Robinson, who retains the
old homestead ; Saphronia married Colonel Wylie;
Lois married George E. Johnston, a well known
merchant, of Prescott.
William Scott and his: two brothers came to
Augusta atavery early date. William settled on
Lots 7 and 8, in the 3rd Concession. He had two
sons, Joseph and Francis. Joseph is now living on
the homestead, aged 85 years. He has twelve
children, and one hundred grand and great-grand¬
children. Mr. Scott built a grist and saw mill on
his farm. The mills were among the first erected
in the Township. The barn in which the Methodists
first held services in Augusta is yet standing ina
good state of preservation. Mr. Scott can visit all
his descendants in a two hours’ walk His children
are: William, Eben, Francis, David, Joseph, Pheebe,
Polly, Sally, Margaret, and Hannah.
William Scott experienced many trials and priva¬
tions in getting to Canada. The party, consisting
of. himself, two brothers, and Joseph Knapp, were
lost in the woods, and running out of provisions,
they were compelled to kill their dogs, which were
eaten. Becoming so weak that they were unable
to walk, they crawled for three days on their hands
and knees. Knapp being completely exhausted,
laid down to die, but his companions kept on, and
finally reached the settlement. Men went to the
rescue of Knapp, and they were compelled to tie a
blanket on two poles, and carry him to the nearest
Robert Earl came to Canada about the year 1802,
bringing with him seven sons who had arrived at
man’s estate. The sons were: William, Robert,
Henry, Simon, Ephraim, Elisha, and Milbert. They
were all staunch U. E. Loyalists, and served through
the War of 1812. Ephraim is still living, at the
advanced age of 91, his wife being 82. Mrs. Earl
was Elizabeth, daughter of the late James Wickwire.
Ephraim has the following family : Luther, Joseph,
Wilbert, Isaac, Andres, Nelson, Sally, Melissa, Mary
Ann, and Clarissa.
James Wickwire settled in Augusta in 1803. His
sons were: James, Philo, Derrick, John, Daniel, and
Elisha Crippen settled on Lot No. 23, in the 5th
Concsssion, in 1807. He had three sons—Ethan,
John, and Elisha.
Duncan McLean (residing now in Elizabethtown),
a U. E. Loyalist, came to Augusta in 1804. He
located on Lot No. 28, in the 4th Concession. The
homestead is owned by his grandson, a son of the
late Robert McLean.
The Smades family, consisting: of four brothers,
came to Canada in 1798, all being U. E. Loyalists.
They settled on Lot No. 16, in the rst Concession.
Samuel married a daughter of the late Levius Sher¬
wood, and raised the following family: Elijah,
James, Frederick, Sherwood, John, and Cyrus. The
homestead is retained by a descendant of the
John Lakins settled originally in the vicinity
of the present Village of Merrickville. For two
years he was compelled to carry his flour on his
back from the St. Lawrence to his inland home.
One of his sons, Zepheniah, lost his life while
defending his country in 1812. Several of his
daughters married residents of Augusta.
Samuel Heck, Town Clerk.
James Keeler and S. Glassford, Assessors.
Samuel Brown, Collector.
Elijah Bottum and Oliver Everts, Town and
Church Wardens.
The following list contains all the patents of lands.
granted by the Crown in the Township of Augusta
previous to January rst, 1803 :—
=| Lot. | Name of Grantee. Part of Lot. | 5 | Date of Patent.
0 <
1} I
2 Major Edward Jessup| All 600|May 27th, 1797
4 |Lewis Mosheir........ E 1-2 rogiJuly 16th, 1797
4 {Susannah Jessup...... W 1-2 I12|Sept. 4th, 1800
5 |Sergt. Joseph Knapp. W Side |1og|July 15th, 1797
5 |Corp. Nicholas Mosheir E 1-2 110|/May 27th, 1797
6 |Rice Honeywell...... W 1-2 I15|June roth, 1801
6 |William Martin...... E Side |107|May 17th, 1802
7 Samuel Sherwood.... All 222/Aug. 8th, 1799
4 Samuel Sherwood.... a | 300 June 30th, 1801
9 |Rice Honeywell...... W 1-2 101|May 17th, 1802
Io [Thomas Brown ef al. . All Mar, toth, 1797
1r 'Caleb Clawson....... Et-2 ‘yoaDec,. Ist, 1797
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