Toronto, graduating in 1854. He commenced prac¬
tice in the Town of Perthin 1858, removing to
Iroquois in 1858. In 1866, he engaged in literary
pursuits, and was for upwards of two years upon the
editorial staff of the Toronto G/ose. In 1869, he en¬
gaged somewhat in gold mining, practicing his pro¬
fession, when required, in Marmora, Ont., finally
settling in Edwardsburg in 1877.
E. J. Kelly, M. D., was born in Merrickville, in
1839 ; educated at Queen's College, Kingston, gradu¬
ating in 1862. He commenced practice the same
year in Merrickville, removing to Oswego, N. Y., in
the fall of 1863, and returning to his native place in
J. A. Merrick, M. D., born in Merrickville, studied
at McGill College, Montreal, and at Bellevue Hos¬
pital, New York, graduating in 1870. He com¬
menced practice in North Gower the same year,
removing to his native place in 1877.
Wm. Weir, M. D., born in Banffshire, Scotland, in
1835, educated at Kings College, Aberdeen, and
Queen's College, Kingston, graduating from the
latter in 1861. He first commenced practice in
Toledo, Ont., removing to Easton’s Corners in 1862,
and to Merrickville in 1865, leaving there for Carle¬
ton Place in 1875 and returning to Merrickville in
The following list contains all the patents of lands
granted by the Crown in the Township of South
Gower, previous to January rst, 1803 :—
Lot. Name of Grantee. Part of Lot. Date of Patent.
8. iJenny Crawford...... All
; Lot. | Name of Grantee. | Part of Lot. : Date of Patent.
UO <
il 32. |Jenny Fraser......... All 10}May 17th, 1802
2}30-37| Bell Fraser.......... All ne June 3oth, 1801
39 Thomas Fraser. ...... focit | 1200|Sept. 4th, 1800
3|39-40| Thomas Fraser....... ' SEPt 200|Sept. 4th, 1300
41-42) Thomas Fraser. . . . . . . All —— l4oolSept. 4th, 1800
The following list contains all the patents granted
by the Crown for lands in the Town of Johnstown,
up to the 31st of December, 1802 :—
: úr a a _ = 7
Hi - a
by e ‘ee aj E
: SS oe ik ie
tir im; ca *
"ina ——, &
Mr. Lucas fraces his genealogy back through seven
generations. Originally the family resided in Eng¬
land, its members being staunch adherents of the
Established Church. Atan early date, they removed
to Ireland, where the great grandfather and grand¬
father of Mr. Lucas were born, The tollowing
anecdote has been preserved relating to the great,
great, great, great grandfather :—
‘Some robbers, prowling through the neighbor¬
hood in which he resided, saw a light in his house,
only. One climbed upon the shoulders of another,
and peeped through the small opening at the top of
the shutter and found that the whole family were on
their kneesat prayer. Getting down, he said, " Boys,
if we were all as well employed as old John Lucas, it
would be a great deal better for us.”
The robber was hanged a short time after for the
fession from the scaffold.
A branch.of the Lucas family removed to New
York State, but, at the close the Revolutionary War,
preferring British rule to Republicanism, emigrated
with other Loyalists to New Brunswick, where Mr.
Lucas’ father was born. |
In 1807, Mr. Lucas’ grandfather proceeded to
v Lot. | Name of Grantee. | Part of Lot. | 2 |Date of Patent.
n <
%| 3 |Duncan Grant........ All I |Aug. 10th, 1801
ki If |Lewis Grant.......... All I |Aug. toth, 1801
=| 14 Charles Curtis Ferrand All gsc|May 17th, 1802
=| 16 |Sir John Johnston..:. All 13¢/Aug. Ioth, 1801
Ing 16 s Ist st
Ez 16 |Sir John Johnson . .. . . All I3/ (Aug. toth, 1801
Including I6,
North of
re Water Street.
&| 10 David Breakenridge. . . All I [June roth, 1801
-a] 10 jCapt. William Fraser. . All I May 17th, 1802
sol II |Capt. Thomas Fraser. . All I [May 17th, 1802
2] 10 |Capt. Hugh Munro .. All I |May 17th, 1802
"$] Ir |Major Peter Drummond All I (Dec. Ist, 1802
me (East of the Town.)
2} 7 .-|Duncan Grant. vás et Ta All 6 |Aug. toth, r8o1
21°. A Lewis Gramt. tcc. aes All 64 jAug. Ioth, 1801
(West of the Town.)
1} 1 |Sir John Johnson..... All 654 Aug. toth, 1801
2} 1 /|Sir John Johnson..... All 6% |Aug. loth, 1801