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Lawrence Division, by a delegation of Keformers,
for a seat in the Legislative Council against the late
Hon. George Crawford. Many will recollect the
fearful struggle that took place. Ten thousand
votes were polled and Dr. Brouse was defeated by
sixty-one votes. He then left political life and
assumed nominally the duties of Post Master of
Prescott, while his whole time was devoted to the
practice of his profession, until 1872, when his friends
prevailed upon him to resign his office and engage in
a struggle to redeem South Grenville from Conser¬
vative rule. He was successful in defeating Walter
Shanly, the former member, by eighty-two votes, and
again secured a victory in 1874, over the same
opponent by a majority of one hundred and eleven
votes. Dr. Brouse is a very moderate Reformer, and
refused to sustain his party in all their party votes.

He first brought before the House of Commons
for consideration the claims of the veterans of 1812,
and through which action $50,000 have been yearly
granted to those loyal men. Ata later period, Dr.
Brouse submitted a resolution demanding that some
recognition should be given the loyal men of 1837 and
1838, who defended our flag and drove the rebels
from our soil. That a portion of the wild lands in
the great Northwest should be granted them, in
extent equal to that granted the immigrant settler,
he announced his advocacy in the strongest terms.
He has shown, in moving for a committee, with the
greatest earnestness that military drill should be
taught in our schools, advocating that a large
saving can be made in our military expenditure,
as well as greater efficiency in drill secured. He
is in favor of establishing a Dominion Sanitary
Bureau, as a storehouse from which the people
may be educated on the great question of public
health. He succeeded in two sessions in securing
a committee, who reported favorably in both
instances, as condusive to the best interests of
the community. The great importance of health
legislation, through Dr. Brouse’s efforts at Ottawa,
has inspired legislation on this subject at the last
session of the Ontario Legislature.

In 1878, a vacancy occurred in the Senate, which
was filled by the appointment of Mr. Brouse.



S. C. McLean, M. D, was born in Augusta, in
He entered the Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Kingston, in 1871, graduating in
1874, and commenced the practice of his profession
with Dr. Dunn, of North Augusta.
removed to Bishop’s Mills, where he resided one
year, and finally entered upon the duties of his

profession at Spencerville, where he has since
LYN. |

James Parker, M. D,, son of Andrew Parker, of
the Township of Bastard, was born in 1841, in that
municipality. He attended Victoria College, and
also Trinity College, graduating with the degrees
of M. D. and M. B., in 1870, becoming also a L. R.
C. P. S, O. He commenced practice in Toledo,
removing to Lyn in August, 1878.


Dr. Buckley was born in Prescott. where he
received his. elementary education, subsequently
studying in the Regeopolis College, Kingston, and
the Jesuit College, Montreal. He entered McGill
College in 1866, and received his diploma in 1870,
commencing the practice of his profession in Clay¬
ton, New York, where he continued till 1873, when
he removed to Prescott. He is a member of the
Board for the Examination of Pensioners, and in
1876 was elected President of the Medical Asso¬
ciation of the Counties.

John Easton, M. D., was born in 1822, in the
Township of Yonge. He graduated from McGill
College, Montreal, in 1852, since which time he has
practiced in Prescott, with the exception of a year
spent in British Columbia. He is a member of the
Board of Pension Examiners; a Coroner of the
Counties; has served as a Town Councillor for
many years; and has been a School Trustee for

twenty-four years.

W. J. Jones, M. D., was born in the Township of
He entered McGill College in
1852, graduating in 1856. He commenced the
practice of medicine in Wardsville, Middlesex,
County, the same year, removing to Prescott in
1862. Finding his practice rapidly increasing, he
entered into a copartnership with Dr. Chipman,
in 1875. f baud s/f uf,

oe Xs 3

C. J. H. Chipman, M.D., was born at Halifax, N.S,
in 1845 ; graduated at McGill College, Montreal, in
Arts in 1866, and in Medicine in 1868. He practiced
his profession for two years in Montreal, entered the
General Hospital of that city in 1872, removing to
Prescott in 1875, where he entered into partnership
with Dr. Jones.

Augusta, in 1831.


A. E. McMillan, M. D., was born in Edwardsburg
in 1852, graduating from McGill College, Montreal,
in 1874. He practiced for a short time in Morris¬
burg, but in 1875, removed to his native village,
where he has since resided.

J. D. R. Williams, M. D., was born in Carleton
County, in 1833; studied in Victoria College,