OCR Output

Samuel Seaman settled in Daytown; he had
two sons, Stephen and Murray. Murray married a
daughter of Otis Smith, one of the original settlers
of the Rear of Yonge.
Samuel Seaman, married Arvin Stoddard ; Rhoda,
another daughter, married William Doak, a half¬
brother to Sir Daniel Jones; and Polly married
Williston Stevens, son of Elder Stevens, the younger.


The subject of this sketch resides on Lot No. 17,
8th Concession of Bastard, nis farm consisting of
200 acres. His parents came from Yorkshire, Eng¬
land, in 1829, first settling at Maitland, removing to
Yonge in 1831. The present farm was secured in
1842. Mr. John Bowser died in 1859, aged 69 years,
but his widow is still living, being in her 85th year.
Elijah Bowser was born in 1823, and, in 1850, mar¬
ried a daughter of the late John Purvis, of the
Township of Yonge, who has borne him six children.
Mr. Bowser retains thirty-five acres of land in Yonge,
the balance of his real estate being located in Bas¬
tard. He has always been regarded as one of the
most prosperous farmers in the Township. Names
of children: John; Mary Emily, married William
Hanna, teacher in the High School at Lanark:
Jennie, Lydia Kesiah, Sarah Elma, and Henry

John Waddington, grandfather of Mr. Bowser on
his mother’s side, emigrated from Yorkshire, Eng¬

buried at Lyn. The grandfather of Mrs. Bowser
on her mother’s side was Major Smith, one of the
first settlers of Merrickville, and. afterwards of

Among the oldest citizens of the Township is
William Wiltse, son of Benoni Wiltse, the first
settler of Yonge. Mr. Wiltse is yet a hale and
hearty old gentleman—a surviving pioneer of the


Mr. James Barlow emigrated from Yorkshire,
England in 1828, first settling in Watertown, New
York, removing thence to the Township of Bastard
in 1841, locating on Lot No. 18, in the 8th Conces¬
sion. His farm now includes 400 acres. In 1830,
Mr. Barlow married, and has four children livin
his oldest son James residing on a farm in Ma
vicinity of the homestead. Another son, Robert,
has for many years been the Deputy-Reeve of the
Township of Elizabethtown. Mr. Barlow is 75 years
of age, yet hale and hearty. His record is that of


Mr. Hicock was born in the Rear of Lansdowne
in 1808. His father, Nathan Hicock, came from
Connecticut in the year 1800, being one of the first
and most influential settlers of Lansdowne. Philo
Hicock resides on Lot No. 21, in the 9th Concession
of Bastard. Mr. Hicock established a foundry in
Beverly (Delta) in 1841, disposing of his interest in

is at present conducted. Mr. Hicock was married in
1835 to a daughter of the late Ralph Hindmarsh,
of Morristown, New York, who has borne him ten ie
children, six of whom survive. His father, Nathan,
was an ensign in the British army in 1812, partici¬
pating in the battle at Ogdensburg and the skirmish
at Gananoque. He was also a commissary, and
assisted in the erection of the towet on Point
Henry, near Kingston. Mr. Philo Hicock was
Reeve of the Township of Bastard for ten years,
between 1850 and 1872. The foundry was first
established by Nathan S. Soper in 1822.


| our brothers, Ais, Jesse, Ami and Barnabas

Chipman came to Canada from Vermont. Amos
and Jesse were in the American Army during the re¬
volution. Ami and Barnabas came to the vicinity

of Brockville in 1795, and remained there one year, 9
when they removed to Bastard. Ami took up Lot 4,
No. 13, in the 6th Concession. Barnabas settled in |
Plum Hollow. Ami was born in 1764, and died in ©

Bastard in 1808. He married Sarah Evarts, who as
died in 1828. Ami left seven children : Heman, ¥

born in 1786; Isaac, 1788; Harry, 1790; Olive, aN
1792; Truman, 1794; Lauraj~1796 ; Levi, 1798 ; |
but two survive, Harry who resides with his daughter, ; Y
Mrs. George Brown, of Easton’s Corners, and Laura,

residing in Momence, Illinois, with the children of a
her brother Isaac. \ >

Harry Chipman married three times ; his second a

wife, Lucy Lillie, bore him two children, who lived
to maturity.

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Lewis Chipman, son of Harry, was born March" ©

17th, 1820; his sister, Julia Ann, wife of George
Brown, was born in'1822. Lewis married in 1854,
Abigail Jane, daughter of the late Jesse Delong. She

has borne him two children: Willis, born in 1855.

graduated at the University of McGill College in S;


May 1876. He is now Mathematical Master of the
Napanee High School ; Elma, a daughter, was born
in 1859. Lewis Cina was Superintendent of

Public Schools in Bastard from 1851 to
also Township Clerk for twenty years.» |

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