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Michael Hourigan, Assessor.

The municipal officers for 1878 are :-—

Reeve: James Hourigan.

Clerk: Thomas O’Reilly.

Treasurer : Michael O’Mara.

Assessor: Peter McEwan.

Collector : John McTavish.

Councillor: Michael Dooher, Thomas Miller, Wal¬
ter Hyslop, and E. Moorehouse.

The Township contains one church (English),
standing on Lot No. 18, of the 2nd Concession.

The following is a summary of the assessment of
the municipality for 1877 :—

Number of persons assessed, 244.

Number of acres assessed, 30,150,

Number of acres cleared, 20,165.

Value of real property, $196,118.

Value of personal property, $26,573.

Amount of real and personal property, $222,681.

Taxes imposed by Municipality, $2,310.

Taxes imposed by Counties, $750.

Expenditure for roads and bridges, $1oo.

By the joint action of the Town of Perth and the
Dominion Government, a substantial bridge was, a
few years since, built at the Ferry, the contractors
being Messrs. Koyl & Rowe.

For the past two years, a branch agricultural
society has been established at Lombardy.

In 1878, the Township contained twenty-three
stone residences.

Georgia. They drew Lot No. 27, of the 8th, and
| Lot 30, of the 7th Concessions.

Oliver Church and his sons, Oliver, Joseph, and
| William, were American emigrants, who settled on
Lot No. 28, of the 8th Concession.

Ebenezer Pratt, with quite a family, located on
Lot No. 35, of the 8th Concession.

James Marshall, an American emigrant, took up
Too acres of Lot No. 18, of the 8th Concession. Mr.
Marshall had a family of seven sons and three
daughters. Benjamin Soper settled on the same
lot with Mr. Marshall. |

Philip Shook settled on Lot No. 17, of the 8th
Concession, His family was composed of three
sons and three daughters.

Uriah Stone settled on Lot No. 15, of the 8th
Concession ; he left two sons and two daughters.

Timothy Soper and John Vaughn occupied Lot
No. 16, in the 8th Concession ; Daniel Levingston
settled on Lot 29, and Nicholas Haskins on Lot 30,
of the same concession,

Dr. Green, an American, took up Lot No. 26, of
the gth Concession, now owned by Richard Holmes,
Esq. ; James and Benjamin Kilborn settled on Lot
30; Jesse Knot occupied Lot 25; L. Ireland, Lot
22; Benjamin Lyman, Lot 21; Edward Soper, Lot
20; B. Lyman, Lot 19.

John Arnold settled on Lot No. 25, of the roth
Concession, Isaac Simpson occupying a part of the
same lot. Isaac Lamb lived on Lot No. 24; David

The following list contains all the grants made |

and patents issued by the Crown up to the 31st of
December, 1802 :—


—— sr

= Lot.| Name of Grantee. | Part of Lot. 3 Date of Patent. |
egi | <
II 19 |Thomas Freel. . . . . . . . All 200) Dec. 22nd, 1801
2} 19 [Catherine McKue..... All 200/Aug. 20th, 1801
29 |Mary Treaky......... All 200|Aug. 20th, 1801
— B =



JoHN Woops, a United Empire Loyalist, came to
Kitley at a very early date. Mr. Woods was the
father of David Woods, otherwise mentioned. John
died at the residence of his granddaughter, in 1856.
David married a daughter of William Brown, by |
whom he had three children.

Major William Reed, with his sons Samuel, Wil¬

Houghton and another settler, Lots 27 and 30.
David Levingston, who settled on Lot No. 26, of
the 6th Concession, left four sons and five daughters.
Benjamin Nichols drew Lot No. 24, and William
Dunbar on Lot No. 27, of the 6th Concession. An

Irish emigrant named Carpenter was a neighbor to


The late Robert Johnston was born in Ireland,
and came to Canada in 1822, settling on Lot
No, 23, in the roth Concession of Kitley. Mr. John¬
ston married Elizabeth Love, by whom he had the
following children: William, Mary ; Eliza, who mar¬

ried George Steen; and Jonathan, who resides at
Bell’s Crossing,

and in 1844 married Eliza Latimer, of Lansdowne.

married Robert Powell, of Rock Spring ; Margaret
Ann; Mary Elizabeth married George C. Howe, of
Bradford, Pennsylvania, Mr. Howe being an exten¬
Sive speculator in coal oil lands ; Anna, Ida, Henry,

liam, John and David, together with eight daughters,
settled in the Township previous to 1800. The
family was of Irish descent, and emigrated from

Lucy, Francis Albert and David Latimer. Mr.

Johnston's farm consists of two hundred and eighty