& New Song Called the so
Old Man’s Complaint of his
My dwelling they pulled down, says the poor old man,
And ho levelled it to the ground, says the poor old man, |
Where my rent 1 freeley paid and my children their 1 reared, —
Till they had to cross the sear, says the poor oldman, __
in Ratkikeale 1 am well known says the poor old man,
For it is my native home, says the poor old man,e,
Until the landlord did dispossess every man without a lease,
. From:the land they have reclaime’d says the poor old man.
No wonder | should fret, says the poor old man, 36
After where | left my swet , says the poor old man,
To be turned out the door of the house 1 thought my owng
That my father built of yore, says the poor old mán.
) have reason to complain says the poor old man, —
Since a pauper 1 became, says the poor old man, =
it’s the landlord | may blame for my poor and scanty meal,
A dish of foerign india meal grain, says the poor old man.
When 1 think of former days, says the poor old man.
And the ciothes I have to wear, says the poor old man, _
Now the brand is on my babk like a eonvict in a sqnad,
And my ademen very slack, says the poor old man,
If Machiners were not here, says the poor olá man,
As they were in former days, says the poor old men,
We'd oe working at our trade with our reapiug hook and spade,
Aud we'd have some cash to spare, says the poor old man,
But if Dan were here to day, says the poor old man,
Its then we'd get faix play, says the poor old man,
For he’d gain the "Tenanl Right,” and his foes he would defy
And Td have no cause to fly, says the vooro Id man’
But if fandiords were haak, says the poor old man, ee
I would dress him verry neat, says the poor old man