I am a bold Eexicia boy, and Heenan is my name,
_ To lick the English champion from America I came
Upon the 16th of April last E showed fom Sayers fan
And 1 gave to him right freely what others gave the
I am the bold "enicia boy, quite free from pain or fear
I meant to win and inthe ring 1 tip’d it into Sayers,
My father was an Irishman in Kingstown bred and
born, : ;
Old Erins son who business dos, ni wnherel many
a storm,
Though born in America, and reared up frum a child,
lalwaysdi and always will, respect Old Erin’s Isle
I came to fight your champion and t came the belt
to win,
I fought Tom Sayers manfuily and beat him in the
ring, ¬
I never did fear any man, and Gt Britain did surprise
I sent my Yankee mawleys into your champion’s eyes
Tom Sayers he is eleve", but he is no match fur me,
I did not come 3000 miles fog nothing o’er the sea.
1 am an Irish American, but not possessed of wealth,
I fought him for the champiouship und have fairly
won the belt. #3
I well can play and fib away, and Tommy Sayers teas
And knock the bridge from off his uose dewu to his
breeches knees.
1 can whip him like a gander any time I choose,
1 can knock his very ej eballs from his forehead to his
shoes, : :
Brave Donnelly was an Irishman, who did for no
man care,
Just as he wolloped Cuoper | beat your Tom Sayers.
have some Irish blood in me, and if 1 get fair play ,
The championship of England Wil suroiy take away,
Now that 1 have your champion licked, 1 cure not
for his wealth,
The gallant bold Benicia boy should wear the British
The Amerieau boys and Isish lals shall conquesed
be—no never,
Fiuging Yankce doodie dood'e avd cld Treland forever
1 am the bold Benicia boy who uever danger felt,
1 came to fight your champion and to gain the Eng¬
lish belt. :
Tv save their champion’s houor a belt for me they'd.
buy | ;
But 1 came not for a present- " 1"11] have Tom’s belt
. or die. s
Im ready non to meet him, and neither shy nor coy,
But claim the champion’s belt fer the bold Benicia —
ei, ZRÁGSR s ;
© The Board of Trinity College Dublin