OCR Output

June 28th, 1823. Walterstudied law at Merrickville,
removed to the County of Kent, was elected to the
Legislative Council, then called to the Senate, and
subsequently created Judge of Algoma.


Wolford. On the toth of May, 1855, he married
Amelia Roche, daughter of William Roche, of Wol¬
ford. Mr. McCrea’s grandfather, on his father's
side, was Samuel McCrea, a U. E. Loyalist, who
came to Canada in 1788, and settled in Montague,
near Burritt’s Rapids. His grandfather on his
mother’s side, was William Edmunds, who came
to Canada in 1801 from Danby, Vermont, settling
at Sly’s Rapids, on the Rideau. Mr. McCrea is a
prominent citizen of the Township, and has upon
many occasions been solicited to contest North
Leeds in the Reform interest. His children are:
Anna Laura, Florence Amelia, Grace Darling, Wil¬
liam Alexander, Donald Percy, and Henry Havelock.


Alexander McCrea, Jr., now dead.

Samuel Nelson, died October 19th, 1822.

William, now dead.

Lucy; married Samuel Starr Easton, February
2d, : 1883.

Anna; married Wellington Landon, formerly ot
Farmersville, now of Brockville.


Mr. McCrea was born October 28th, 1818; mar¬
ried Roxy Ann Wickwire, June 18th, 13844; and
died August 23rd, 1961.
and. esteemed by all who enjoyed the pleasure of his
acquaintance. Mrs. McCrea (the widow) resides on
the farm of her late husband, part of Lot No. 21, in
end Concession of Wolford, consisting of 85 acres,
and running back to the Rideau. The family con¬
sists of the following children: Andrew Jackson,
born May 7th, 1845; Philip Alexander, born April
12th, 1847 ; William Wallace, born February toth,
1849—died May ist, 1873; Charles Bruce, born
March roth. 1853; Ernest Albert, born December
ist, 1856; Edwin Heman and Edmund Burritt

(twins), born September 5th, 1559.


Among the early settlers of Wolford was Jeremiah
Robinson, who was born in the United States in
1746, and died in 1830.
Canada at a very early date, first settling in
Augusta, then removing to Lot No. 19, in the 2nd


visions on his back. Ezra Robinson, who resides
on the homestead, was born October 13th, 1839;
married, in 4860, Maria, daughter of Richard Empey,
Wolford. Charles Robinson, another son, keeps an
extensive wine cellar, near Detroit, Michigan.


The Putnams were among the first settlers of
Wolford. Parks Putnam was born at Johnsburgh,
Vermont, in 1781, and died November 8th, 1864.
He came to Canada in 1802, and settled on Lot No.
18, in the 1st Concession of Wolford. His wife,
Elizabeth Leihi, was born January 27th, 1788; died
Parks had an elder brother, Joel,
who married Elizabeth Andress. They had ten
children: Benijah, William B., Lydia, Franklin C.,
Parks D., Lester N., Hymenus, Betsey, Clarissa,
and Charles W. Franklin C. lives on part of the
homestead ; ‘married Phoebe McGuigyan, December
24th, 18409.


The Wickwires were among the early settlers of
the County of Grenville, one settling in Augusta
and raising a numerous family. Philip Wickwire
had seven children. Charles Wickwire resides in
Wolford. Roxy married Colonel McCrea; Walter,
dead ; Eliza married Joel Cross; Francis lives in
Wolford ; Julia married George Putnam; Tilley
Houghton lives in Wolford.


Andrew Rothwell was born June 14th, 1810, in
Ireland. In 1831, he removed to Canada, settling
in the Gore of Chatham, Lower Canada, removing
to the Upper Province about 1840, purchasing Lot
No. 22, in the 4th Concession of Wolford. In 1841,
he married Mary Griffith, and in 1872, Sarah Leach.
Mr. Rathwell has served the municipality as Coun¬
cillor for three years, as Deputy Reeve two years,
and as Reeve eleven years.


Thomas Devitt, born July 24th, 1828, in Wexford,
Ireland; left the Green Isle when three years of
age; married March 16th, 1857, Jane, daughter
of William Edwards, of Wolford; has been Town¬

ship Treasurer since 1867.


Mr. Rose is of genuine United Empire Loyalist
stock, both on his father and mothers side, his

and Jesse McIntyre, U. E. Loyalist. Samuel Rose,

Township, the road was only a trail, marked by

born in December 1747. They were blessed with