OCR Output



Come all you men of Cashel Town, attend unto my. song, 8
Just listen for a little while, 1 wont delay you long, © | 7
I want to speak about the times, and of our wretched state,

This City’s fairly ruined boys, I’m grieving for its isis

When [was young, some years ago, a Cashel man might thrives
There were Gentlemen in plenty, and the money was live;
The Praties grew, the Poor were few, the Pig was on the floor,
An honest man might earn his bread, and have that same galore.

Oh! where are now the Gentlemen we had in former days?
Where’s the wages, and employment, the plenty and the ease’ ?

The Labourer and Tradesman were happy every day ;

The poor were never grudged enough, and we’d no Poor-Rates to Pays

Then Cashel Men loved Cashel Town, and would not run it down; 5
The Ladies would not travel off elsewhere to buy a gown ;

A man would help his Neigbour, and the Neigbourd stand te him, —
But people care notnow who sinks, so they themselves can swim.

Oh! shame upon the ieee crew, who born within its walls,

Have no pride in all its ees shilas: to see 7 ag <
But by their selfish, heartless ways, they help its ov rt !

" A Oashel shoe could fit their foot, a Cashel coat their bak.
But other towns may prosper, while business here is slack : ate a
In want the honest tradesman pines, tho’ willing for to work ; |
He will get a job, when cheaper than a stranger or a Turk: |

But I fear our Tradesmen all will go as many went before,
The few who’ve health & strength & means will leave us al! the poor:
Na one has got the heart to stay, where every thing goes wrong, oe 4

And we all must look forthe relief before it will be long. i
3 3 | | . a
Let Cashel Men unite again, and love and help each other, §
Let each man treat his Neighbour as a friend and as a brother —
Then we may hope that Gop will send a blessing down again,

If we strive to act as Christians, as Citizens, and— Men.