e et SEZEEEEETEBi oF Pa ee Se: ‘etal among 7 ey veget Te ea Ge emounts a Horse Transport ARMY SERVICE CORPS WANTS MORE MEN Grooms, etc., have already an experience of horses. Service in the “Remounts’” will consist in looking after and training remounts. Similarly, service in the Horse Transport will be confined to the management of horses and the driving of Transport waggons. | Owing to the greatly increased number of horses utilised for Army purposes, a. correspondingly large increase in the number of men is required for their care and training. | In order to meet this demand, many men are wanted who, although they have no knowledge of horses are willing to undertake the simpler duties to fit themselves for training into efficient horsemen. If you know nothing about horses and would like to learn and be trained in the care and training of horses, join the A.S.C. Remounts. in Grade IT, and between 23 and 50 years if in Grade III. recruits can join in whatever, area they choose. TAN NOW IS. YOUR CHANCE Serial No. 404,