OCR Output

You have read the story of the Lusi¬
tania—1100 innocent souls hurled into
Eternity by the hand of the assassin... .
! Í Has the despair of the innocent children
| hot sent a thrill of horror through you— | |
are the cries of 39 Irish victims to go |
i | unheeded—

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Don't wait for others—answer the ques¬
_ tion for yourseli—“Can I be neutral’ —
il there is only one answer for Irishmen. . . .
q Shall Erin’s shore witness black murder —
and her sons fail to avenge. . . . No the
7 challenge shall be answered. . . . Irishmen
q || stand by your fighting traditions and

JOIN an Irish Regiment TO-DAY

| Issued by the Central Council for the Organization of Recruiting in Ireland. Printed by Alex. Thom & Co., Ltd., Dublin.

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Trinity College Library Dublin