Joseph Anderson, king [Extended sketches of Loyalists will be found
settled at Cornwall, where he died in 1853, aged | among the biographical notes. |
“David Jones was a captain in the Royal service <a mes
- ore ) 3IST OF DECEMBER, 1802.
and is supposed to have married the beautiful and This list contains the names of th t re
e or
good Jane McCrea, whose cruel death, in 1777 is E Uni ee ae ty
| tds of United Empire Loyalists who drew land in the
universally known and lamented. According to | Township of Elizabethtow
r . 1) I.
Lossing, he lived in Canada to an old age. Jane
McCrea was the daughter of the Rev. James TOWNSHIP OF- ELIZABETHTOWN. a
McCrea, a New Jersy Loyalist.” | Lot | N rc | is ő | jú
Piigsiiae< jones, of New Vile was 6 Henle 8 j ame of Grantee. Part of Lot. 5 Date of Patent.
of Jane McCrea’s lover. In é | ipl Sike a $
a JONG 1776, he assisted in| 4) 1 | Thomas Sherwcod . All [zoolfune 3oth, 1801
raising a company in Canada, and joined the British 2 [Thomas Sherwood....} FE t-2 — |100)fune 3oth, 1801
garrison at Crown Point. Later in the war he was ; iChagles Booth, 2 eve E ; 3 Hi hess a me
; -harles booth...... v4 -2 , 1802
a captain, and served under Col. Frazer.”—Sadine. 5 Sit tides tonne i et 100| Dee. 2nd, 1802
Col. Edward Jessup, jr une 30th, 180
i. “Donald McDonald, a descendant of the cele- 8 Col. Edward Jessup, jr) E12 | jam 3oth; 1801
& : “ue 16 |Rix Hetchelor........ W 1-2 100)Mar. 6th, 1798
E . brated Flora McDonald, who was so devoted to IS Sees Buck... s. E 1-2 104|Mar. 6th, 1798
| the unfortunate Prince Charles Edward, the last ps SUE Allan Grants a “all 60 Man ie che
| Stuart who sought the Throne of England, served 21 |Allen McDonald......| All Mar. 23rd 1798
a 18 ; ; 22 |Allen McDonald. ..... E 1-2 Mar. 23rd. 8
Hi under Sir John Johnston for seven years, and died 23 |Alex. McLean........ All 228 ür eat 1108
at Wolfe Island, in 1839, aged ninety-seven.” 24 |Abraham Brown 7 ew W 1-2 106} June roth, I801
: | 25 JC Foer and Ferguson W I-2 100} Mar. 26th, 1798
Allan McNab, a lieutenant in the Queen's 27 hang. a ee ‘aah 15 3-2 t00|Mar. 23rd, 1798
— 2 ¬
Rangers, under General Simcoe; father of Sir 28 Fatto Balteeds... bo Ww ae 108 Man de che
Allan Napier McNab, Bart., M.L.C., A. D. C., who = | ae try er | SW r2 [roolMay 17th, 1802
| | ob+ Eifott....4..... I-2 100| Nov. 25th,
married Mary Stuart, of Brockville.” 30 [Doctor Thos. Sparham All 209 Mar. éth, 1798
“Colonel Stephen Burritt, f d f Burritt’ La Psa ga rigs áj gig f03|May 17th, 1802
. p itt, tounder oO urritts | 32°. |Capt. Wm. Clow... .. W 1-2 110|Dec. Ist, 1797
Rapids, served for seven years in Roger’s Rangers. 32 EZÉSE <i Saget E 158 72 Bets 23804 4/99
Settled on the Rideau (it is claimed) April 9, 1793. 37 { {Lt--Col. Ebenr. Jessup) All 2 [427/Aug. 24th, 1796 ~
s Colonel Burritt is a cousin of the celebrated [// s Thos. Sherwood. . . . , . All" j40olJune 3oth, 1801
E ‘Learned Blacksmith,’ Elihu Burritt.” 3. |Elisha Mallory. ..... Upr Side |100|Mar, 26th, 1798
88 3 | | 3 ESZ Landon, jr. .....- W 1-2 |roo|/June 30th, 180I
£ John Jones, of Maine, captain in Rodgers | 5 |Heman Landon.......] EI-2 too|Mar. 6th, 1798
a Rangers. Being of dark complexion, he was called ; a kávét tend Bae i180 kés A 7 he
= ‘ pt tee: . eee 7 1 une 30 ISO!
dl ( Mahogany Jones. He was persecuted by the ; 3 Col. Edward Jessup... |5 de E 1-2] 75\June 30th, 1801
| Whigs, tied to a rope, dragged through the water, | »| 1 | CADE, LOR EE 2 Ny } HG ec 26th, 1798
| thrust into Boston gaol, escaped, and arrived in 3 év ae a ke ed cae we ow Pe eee 1798
ah KEN zs Sars I-2 IOOJ April sth, I
HEZ Ouebec, in 1780. Among his feats was the capture 21 | Allan McDonald... . . . kis s: 258 200} Mar. aard, 1798
ae of his old enemy, General Cushing.” 25 ) Edward Jessup. ...... aa 200|May 27th, 1797
| a Thomas Sherwood, father of the late Sheriff Adiel eh capt. Joseph Jessup ..| aoe 500/April 6th, 1797
je 4g Sherwood, settled in Elizabethtown, below Brock- 38 William Clow. . . . . . . . WI-2 — jroojDec. Ist, 1797
> ae ville, in 1784, and was the first actual permanent a Lt.-Col. Ebenr. Jessup All goo) Aug. 24th, 1795 ——
_ . Settler in the United Counties. He lived on his | 2 7 papi gp many Gu iaas ate |. Sta t00|Dec, Ist, 1797
eee a. ig; | Thomas Jones........ - Mar.
ae farm forty-two years, and died, universally respected, 9 |#phraim Jones...... 5 1-2 = ségek oath, he
i “aa 181 at the age of eighty-one. 3 |} zasper Stauts....... a [200 Mar. 26th, 1798
a Tet. e ;
45 Bei. . Among the first settlers on the banks of the St. | 2 Susannah Jessup.. .-. All |400|Sept. 4th, 1800
i I E 1-2
: ang . Lawrence, and who took an active part in the war, 18 |Reuben Mott ........ Uend = |foo|May 17th, 1802
B 7 ae were Captain Thomas Frazer, Captain William | E ee eee Wi se eee aoe
7 a . 1-2
3 s ‘Frazer, Lieutenant Solomon Snyder, Lieutenant FW d eon aioe Tes | E 1-2 } fzoolMay bai $902
eS aa Adams, Captain Simon Coville, Captain | = Rah emir fe gé vét zózgetá rag ete
| eg. amond, Ensign Dulmage, Ensign Sampson, 31 Abel Coleman... :...:+¢+ W 1-2 100) Mov. 2sth, 1802
ee Lie atenant Patents a 33. |Silas Judson........ - Ft 1-2 100|Mar. 6th, 1798
oe ja n aptain Amberson, Lieutenant 33 oes Ge i PP, Hh I-2 100| Aug. Ioth, 1801
McI ean, Lieutenant Jam 3 34 |John Gardiner........ SE&S W pts|110|Mar. 23rd, 1798
“ito James Campbell, Lieutenant 35 {Alexander Campbell..| W I-2 |100|Sept. 4th, 1800
olonel AI : ay 17
Sh ne exander Campbell, Sergeant Benoni 33 ohn Gardiner, .....] S 1-2 |100)May 17th, 1802
“| Lt.-Col. Ebenr. Jessu
37! j