A r—§ the Battle of Savers and Heenan vs
YOU fa} ant sons of Gannale that Ukes to he-r a gone
Pil sire tor yen those verses, Pil not dotain you long cr
In pra se of ‘amed K ‘millock aad its s’eond Mente Fair
Wiee a sc aes ls te, do sell and bay ali fr efrom ated
ther, sz
' is ‘ > 7 Pg e
b is here vo?d aee the best of stock, both cat le pigs, and
ay yee 4 ioe WW ; :
In : jest old K Imai'oek town, the lik« is err to meet,
Adis that ved be far from home i t.e horel there you
wl! fird . :
Phe best areemodation. and most pieating tn your mind,
From Pimerick, Cork, and Waterford. from ‘Car'ow and
+" Kid re >
The beyers can core by ralwa" to prrehise at the far
avd English Peers though farfrom home unl min 07 high
renown, 3
Youil see them at O’Sullivan’s in fam d Kil na'lock Town,
Fater Down avd brave O’Sulltvan has p'ainly lent their aid
In spite of opposition their fairs will take the laid, ?
And Morg n miyes has published them in market far & nea
And ges an explana ion iv voiee both Zeus and clei.
The fir t of «nv great horse fairs is the 4:h of Janvary,
The second che Sst of Murch as you may plainly see;
Thy 20h of June, susust the 4th September the 13 h and
the 20:h of Nevember,
splendid "att e there yo It see. fő
The pe ple roma from many & part to view th:t ancien} town
rwasx the second walled in Íreland ‘fF the trath be piven down
] have no dcubt ittooked to be uuts!] Crumuc/l there dil
cu |
ne destroyed sig spl-ndid buildings and leve'led down the
Badluck te Cremwell and his breed wnere’ever they may be,
He tore up our walls b cannon balls asyou may plainly see
Were glad his days are over he is rotten in the clay
And the Citho'ies through Erin’s land ouce more will take
= sway,
ro W iNiam O’sullivan great merit there i; due
He got bis cars in rediness the truth 1 tell. to you
Whan ggg of the Brigade landed in Kiimallock from ancient
ome wee
He sent his mem and hores for te see them safe at home.
© The Board of Trinity College Dublin