When first I and my Irve in a garden of daises
Right fai la de biddid da
The curls of ber yevow locks deprived me of all re«8 on
She appear. d to Se ia pros rty wi hou: coaso'ation
‘The tears ro! ed down ber rosy cheeks in torrents amazing
Crying what to de, ( do not know, my mind is so uneasy
1 s‘epped up to this damse! and put her in amaze neat
-and asked her what became of he:, tnat ciused lameata :on
"I aaked her wag she Palias ez taat dams-l ia the regions
That Plunto siole from Cicily titi hercules released her
Or Dido whom Pryma.on sen from henry a false iavader
S. e answered me most modes y and said she wa; neither
Bui she was a Roman Catho ie whise land was confica'ed
My friends and al. my brethern were sent tuforeign nations
Beheaded and transported thr ugh Orange perpetration
Besides the rack aud gibbet fu. be! eving in sweet Mary
I asked her who had issued sueh an violent alteratior,
" Or what caused poor Roman Catholi's to be treated so
lt was Luther when he was cursed that caused refurmation
Acd hsrry too denied the truth thro’ lust and ind gnation
Tien Cromweli & bis wicked band distressed our nation
. I asked her would Roman Catho ics be ever reinstated
Or wou'd the Lord compassion take upen his congregation
Or Dido, whom Pryalon sent from being a false invader,
Until Moses was adopted to become their libera'or
He cleared their way thro’ red sea, drown’d false preachers
"VI tell more the Lord has done, banish those wild demons
He siew the haughty Philistines and saved the life of David
He conquered all the Cannanites for worshipping the Pagan
and gave their places to Israel that loved and ebeyed him
he’d soon dethrone Orangemen and then restore the -Papis
how can you prove that God admires the children of Mary
Or that he’li comply with her to grant their suppiication
Beeause she is a mother and she suflered tridulation
She suck’d him upon her breast and got no nurse payment
he took her up to heaven and he made her Queen of angels
among so many religions. how can 1 know the safest
and in every town | go thro’ they differ in their preaching
Sh> ‘old me approach the Masses and there Vd gain salvatioo
St. Peter got che keys frcm God to preach thro’ ail nations
he gates of hell cannot prevail against its strung foundation
iaskcd how lonz would Luther’s clan be rulers of nations
Or would they ever suffer for the ‘ives they consumated
She said they’d get the death of Bess, cursed wicked traicor
as Cebbit wrote in history ‘he devil came te seize her
the human blood they spil: about fer vengeucc its crav;ng
1 then cheered up the damsel, and told her to have patience
and as she had sarvived so long she’d see some alleration
the wrath of God will fail on them as Prophets have related
Just léke the tower of Babylon the:r height it disappeared
then Usher and his iron flair wi'l trash them thro’ reigons
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