A NEW SONG, CALLED _ he Orangeman’s Drum "THESE are a few lines composed of late times, © That go by the name of the Protestant drum, Made against the Catholic Religion you will find, Thinking toinsult them whenever they came, These Imes:they'are heinous and likewise blasphemous, Against our blessed Mother and ‘her. ily Son, He is honoured by Christians and slig ited by philistines, Insulted by them and. the @rangeman’s Drum. ' In searching the book the first Chapter of Luke, 7 would have you peruse it, and there you will find, . That an angel appeared, as you quickly shall hear, To our blessed Mother and told her his mind, : The Scripturesis clear, as it does appear, "That she got, power from her only Son TANK The 28 verse. as it does rehearse, Ce ere -Altho’ she'is mocked bythe Ő rangeman’s Drum. They mock at St. Peter, ani that issno:matter, They will pay for it all either sooner or late, They mock atthe cross, but that's-to their loss, Vhey will surely repent when ‘they come to the gate, Unstead uf a cross they will meet with a loss, "When their orange and purple will be overcome, _ ‘They'll tremble with fear when their sentence they hear, "And be beat down tovhell by the ‘Orangemas’s Drum. King William.is the man, as we understand, | ‘Whom they do-su ppose to be their-chief gudie, " ‘But were they tu know what they ‘have ‘to undergo, . They Would-quickly revolt:to ‘the ‘other side, King Dives in chains, tormented with ‘flames, | To each loyal:brother for aid‘he did-run, — 3 "a Tbey will tremble and quake when bound to a stake, And then-curse the name-of the '@rangeman’s Drum. These Catholics you ‘know have many a foe, ‘On every side for to-keep'them down, © jos Since bloody King James, with bis ‘plans and ‘his-schemes In) bondage and chains left:us all bound, But you Catholics brave, you yet will‘have leave _ Yo maintain your rights, and the time will:come, When fortune wil! smaile on the bays of our 1 And we'll danee.én the head ofthe | Oat Pope they.clo jest álthot he is Blessed, he keys; . ‘He is honoured by Pet. ‘that ao AI ‘He is a true heir, sits on Peter's ehair, s He can bind, he can loose, as the Scripture says, ‘But that glorious name he will Maintain, = And the snares of the devil he will overcome—= ‘The.cross is his shield, and he never will yield — . Po-the power of the Orangeman’s drum | Our Church they despise by traducery lies, a ÉS . Although it fs built on a solid rock, See "But theirs cannot stand —it is buil: on sand, By luther, the reptile that tuvored his flocks.» He was an old frier, likewise-ad mu?d Tier, Aud Calvin he helped him up with the fan, , cs Gat it’s now they’re dead, and to hell gone to bed, Add the devil willdance on'the O angeman’s Drums 142 , Haly, Printers Corky ¢ | \, 7 hee hg «ae se fő 78 © The Board of Trinity College Dublin