OCR Output

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sé ra ae Ny 2 XN : :
Ng NE AT ORD BET ores 4 et |

Yo aIrrishmen draw nea,
Ti'l'you hear of the cheer,

Thats happening on this year, "
By Lord Poh the boy, ks
He says we go out at night,

For to fight and toriot, —.

And thats our whole delight, sg

Bars Lord John the hoy, ©
He says hell do his best, “ey
. Poor Paddy to destroy, ) = *
." To have usall coerced, >
Is his delig ht and, ,oy,
. But now I say qu te fair,
— - Edeviare and [ swear, ;
The man that took the chai, ""
Ít was Lord Johu the boy.

Now pat dont be in dread, 7 e
Raise your head you will be fed, °
With a two pound loaf of bread, >
Says Lord John the boy, :
For theres the India meal," >”
It wont fail VII go bail, —
Yeur hungry guts to heal,’
Sa)s Lord John the boy,
To starve us one and all, 7 %

(he paupers off the;’l) haul, 7.

'8hsdelightand jov, — . +
‘Lourgeitry annoy, —

. Ánd send them to the mill,
With good will tha:s our bill,
The laws for to fuliill, |
Says Lord John the boy.

Now the time has came at
like a blast very ast, ©
Whensthe Lishmen ll casts
sass'Lerd John the boys ©
Vil show them no fair play


i 5 a ee % * lene vag 5. buys
' Now you Arishmen so brave, —
Mind that knave whw’d enslas, "5
The church St. Peter gave,

That’s Lord Johu the boy, ae
And show them how you'll stan#, *,
“Toa man that’s your plan,” | 4

By the son of noble’ Dan,
' Against Lord John the hoy,
‘Our rights we'll nave agam, '
That from vs the did deco, ;
|Our uni nweli ortain, ;

in friendship peace and joy,

Well call home our absentees, __
| That's the cheese for to sqneeza, "1!
} The honey from the *ecs, a. £4
Thats with Lord Jobn the boy, |


But now i’m in a pout, a
Without a doubt vm sher'd ent,
Ill snortly get the reat,

Says Lord John the toy, ot
Twill not do at a, se al

Um too sm. i Prelis teZ,

Arrah what will i do at afd, hd
Says ! ord John the boy, f

Because I’m uader sise.

They have me :s n toy. ! a> kj
? oa be . ss {
} Ptr every wa, dispised? q j
They do me soannoy, | í
: bo from them i will ge. ed
Wail or woe ra itso | - | 3

: Au unhappy little show. 4
Says Lord John the bey: d 3

So now to end those lines
Vim euclined for to mind, ,


The things I teft behiud, 8

Suys Lord Jolin the boy, " 4
And to tax "he Irish p%r. 4.
To he sure ont of dvers, ae |

FT AE ee eae

Night or day that 1 say, Ber fr That's the way to kili er cur®s 4 |
But Vil banish them away; Rave Chek Joka the bey, - a
_ ®ays Lord John the boy, an at f Peel#oia in we places
“hl drive them from their homes, Weil qarakmaddgabere :
x +1 ate j 7 ¢ eerie <n 5888 k ;
alt Their houses and theiy joys iit midb ing me to disgraces - we
a Pi cause them for to roam, " Withont friend hip love or joyo> , |
And their places ull destroy, 3 t Now PH shor ly have to walk, | ő A
Then ll show them guerg fuh; sf Phas the talk and not to haulky oe
ő ky the sword VII have it done, 7 | Pdr tha vdad for’was ia wweleeds | j
se vor the snapping of a guns > "ays Lord Johu the hoy. ~ “4
‘ Pays Lord John the be: 9 ai tees S: - a yi tie
' Pee. ingle, Y d. vetgety, Printer, Flag’ kony Be bees
; ; ; $ Ba a A ren jég dts ENNE A Ral Sita tivaint, medi TEST Re og oe |
by aes ; ;
4 cas 4 18
wegen 4 {
