OCR Output


A glance at the spot where for years the roses bloomed so

blithely reminds one of Father Tabbss lines in his "Child s Verse’:

“There was laughter ’mid the roses,,
For it was their natal day

And the children in the garden were
As light of heart as they.

"There were sighs amid the roses
For the night was coming on
And the children—weary now of play—
Were ready to be gone.

"There are tears amid the roses
For the children are asleep

And the silence in the garden makes
The lonely blossoms weep.”

Around the ring of box was a circle of snowball bushes with
the box.showing between. ‘There were grass walks around the
garden and from each side to and around the inner circle.

Beyond the fig trees was the vegetable garden, in one corner
of which was the family burying-ground. The walk to this passed
along the hedge of fig trees. The orchard of apple, pear and
peach trees was on the other side of the house.

This garden made a more lasting impression upon the writer
than did some of the larger and more elaborate ones visited by
him. The fact that the trees were laden with ripe fruit may have
accounted for this.

The property remained in the Carrington family for about
seventy-five years, but has since changed hands several times.

