(aaa RRY HILL, the home of Malcolm Graeme
Zoe bé | Bruce, in Halifax County, is one of the historical
doo) places in Virginia. It first came into possession of
K<q! the family about 1769, as shown in the following
ii deed: |
2 This indenture made on the day of
November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and sixty nine between Benjamin Harrison of Berkley in the county
of Charles City on the one part and Isaac Coles of the county of
Halifax on the other part witnesseth that the said Benjamin, in
consideration of eight hundred pounds current money of Virginia
to him in hand paid, doth grant bargain and sell to the s’d Isaac
and his heirs one tract or parcel of land in the county of Halifax
containing one thousand and twenty acres lying on Dan river and
bounded by the several lines and boundaries mentioned in a plot
and survey thereof made by one Thomas Jones of the county of
Prince George; the said one thousand and twenty acres being parcel
of a larger tract formerly the property of the honorable William
Byrd and by him sold and conveyed to Richard Bland Esqr. by
indenture bearing date the sixteenth day of April one thousand
seven hundred and fifty one; to have and to hold the said tract of
one thousand and twenty acres with all the appurtenances there¬
unto belonging to the s’d Isaac and his heirs forever, and the s’d
Benjamin for himself and his heirs doth covenant with the sd
Isaac and his heirs that the s’d Benjamin and his heirs the sd tract
or parcel of land to the s’d Isaac and his heirs shall and will
forever warrant and defend. In witness whereof the s’d Benjamin