Fash — sé of our Andes,” lies one of the famous old estates
te G4 ÉN (os of Colonial days.
Phan BETH a szar Castle Hill, standing among the lovely Vir¬
ginia fields which slope gently away in all directions, is one of
the best known homes of this historial part of Virginia.
It was here in June, 1781, that Jack Jouett was given food,
drink, and a fresh horse when he made his famous ride from
Cuckoo tavern in Louisa: County to warn the then governor of
Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, and the members of the Assembly in
session at Charlottesville of their danger from the proximity of
the British forces under Lieutenant-Colonel Tarleton. A few days
afterward this energetic leader at the head of his notorious
raiders, was welcomed by the lady of Castle Hill, who proved such
a charming hostess that his stop on the march was prolonged into
a social visit.
Amid such diverting environment, the soldier made the never¬
to-be-forgotten acquaintance of the genuine Virginia mint Julep
served in a silver tankard whose polished surface was filmed with
frost. Green sprays of fragrant mint were fastened in by sparkling
particles of crushed ice and luscious ripe red strawberries combined
with the flavor of the eau de vie to produce that subtle and alluring
taste, delighted vision, and entrancing odor which made it easy for
the rigorous Briton to temporarily forget the stern demands of
war. |
He saw—tasted—and was conquered. One julep followed
another until, when, some hours later, he finally reached Charlottes¬
ville, his quarry had flown. he wood near the dwelling at Castle