OCR Output

GATES —— —

buried in the earth, papers and other portable valuables were
huddled into portmanteaux and the horses and roomy chariot were
ordered out for instant flight.

But happily, Horseshoe has known few vicissitudes with the
exception of the war-time raid and those occasioned by the ruthless
hand of time. It is now in splendid condition, having been restored
and beautified by its present owner, Richard Meldrum Brady, Jr.,
who, in 1912, purchased the place from Colonel Joseph Wilmer.

The old estate is a link between the present and those far-off
days of 1716 when Governor Spotswood led his Horseshoe Knights
to drink the King’s health upon the mountain top. The neitghbor¬
hood has greatly changed since it was the Royal Governor’s grant.
The junketings and progresses between Germanna and Williams¬
burg belong to an irrevocable past.. But the daily routine at Horse¬
shoe still has in it today much that reminds one of the country life
once led here by the gentry of colonial days.


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