OCR Output


SIOINI OF FORK derives its name from its situation
at the forks of James River. One branch of this
d| is here called the Rivanna (River Anna), and the
| other, which is the main branch, now the James,
was formerly the Fluvous Anna (Fluvanna), both
named for Anna, Queen of James I.

This was once a noted Indian stronghold, the capital of the
Monacan nation, which was known by the tribe as Rausawek.
The supremacy of these Indians at one time extended over the
Alleghanies to the Falls of the James at Richmond and numbered
many thousands. ‘They carried their wars even into Canada. At
Point of Fork, near the entrance into the garden, is the spot where
one of their chieftains, famous for his warlike exploits and success¬
ful raids against the Iroquois, lies buried.

The spot was also on John Smith’s map, and was reported by
him as the principal settlement of the Monacans in his time. They
had then been greatly reduced by disastrous wars in the North.

Point of Fork was regarded as a strategic point by the Colonial
Virginians in Revolutionary days, and was an important barracks
and arsenal where military stores were kept. Here, General
(Baron) Von Steuben trained the Revolutionary troops, and the
Battle of Point of Fork was fought with Simcoe and Tarleton,
the latter having his headquarters here. During the War Between ©
the States, Generals Sheridan and Custer made the present rest¬
dence their headquarters.

The eminence, upon which the house is located, faces the convex
of the bend in the river, and commands a beautiful view of the
James for several miles. The dwelling was erected about one
hundred years ago by William Galt, a rich Scotch merchant, who
resided in Richmond. At that time, the estate contained five thou¬
