OCR Output


O all who made the compilation of this book a
possibility, the James River Garden Club is deeply
grateful, for it has but taken the garden histories,
which their owners generously unrolled that the
public might see, and bound them into one volume,
hoping that in the future it may prove an inspira¬

tion in garden lore.

The revival of interest in old-fashioned gardens, the enthusi¬
asm which has recently developed for their restoration and pres¬
ervation; the passion for the past which is in the air and is having
a marked influence on landscape architecture, encouraged our
Historic Committee to make a study of the old gardens of Vir¬
ginia. [his manifestation has led to our research with historical
and horticultural intent.

Until now, the State possessing more colonial and early Re¬
publican gardens than any other has made no attempt to preserve
their histories, though it must be remembered that the oldest were
planned and planted before the corner-stone of America was firmly
laid in Virginia soil. Their space was carved from the un-dated
forest; their designs were borrowed from countries abroad and
seeds for them journeyed from far overseas to bloom through the
years as the multi-great-grandchildren of their original wealth of
flowers. This is the only book which has undertaken to tell the
stories which should possess deep significance for every American,
as they have more than a mere local interest. And these stories
have been collected by personal visits paid by the authors to the
old gardens. Rare histories, valuable letters, garden records and
personal reminiscences have been placed at our disposal with a
gracious readiness, making of the task a sincere labor of love.
The pilgrimage to each garden has been fraught with a pleasure
which we hope, through these pages, to share with the reader.
