“ He who helped you in the time of your trouble, must not now
be despised!” So she took the Frog up with two fingers, and put
him in acorner of her chamber. But as she lay in her bed, he
crept up to it, and said, “I am so very tired that I shall sleep
well; do take me up or I will tell thy father.
the King’s daughter in a terrible passion, and catching the Frog
up, She threw him with all ner strength against the wall, saying,
“ Now, will you be quiet, you ugly Frog ?”
But as he fell he was changed from a frog into a handsome
Prince with beautiful eyes, who, after a little while became, with
ner father’s consent, her dear companion and betrothed. Then he
told her how he had been transformed by an evil witch, and that
no one but herself could have had the power to take him out of
the fountain; and that on the morrow they would go together
into his own kingdom.
The next morning, as soon as the sun rose, a carriage drawn
by eight white horses, with ostrich feathers on their heads, and
golden bridles, drove up to the door of the palace, and behind the
carriage stood the trusty Henry, the servant of the young Prince.
When his master was changed into a frog, trusty Henry had
erieved so much that he had bound three iron bands round his
heart, for fear it should break with grief and sorrow. But now
that the carriage was ready to carry the young Prince to his own
country, the faithful Henry helped in the bride and bridegroom,
and placed himself in the seat behind, full o jo, at his master’s