OCR Output

Viet SO ok GED. A:

H ERÁVS a garden?" Of course. "And two butterflies?” Yes.
‘“ And a dog and a girl?” Undoubtedly so.

‘ But then what is she looking at?” Well, we must guess ;
For, to tell you the truth—I really don't know!

"T is not night, so she can’t be star-gazing afar ;
Or straightway the tale [ should certainly tell,
Of the man who walked on with his eyes on a star,
Until at the last he fell into a well!

But what else can it be, then? A kite up on high,
Belonging, it may be, to Robert or James?

Or a nest on a tree? Ora lark in the sky?
Or is it the smoke from a chimney in flames ?

c Why not ask her herself?" you suggest. Very well:
But first, with your leave, I will venture to say,

If we wait till it pleases Miss Rhoda to tell,
i think we shall wait here the whole of the day !



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