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‘L HEY went a-fishing in the water clear,

All four of them, just as ‘tis pictured here.
Kach one a little taller than the other,

Bess, Bridget, Deborah, and Hal, the brother ¬
Most wisdom dweit in Hal, as you may guess,
Still growing less, until it ceased in Bess.

Said Hal to his three sisters, “ Copy me,

And something like good sport we’re sure to see.”
Just as Hal did, did Deborah, and then,

Poor Biddy sighed, and plied the line again.
Said little witless Bess, ‘‘ But I shall try

To catch a water-baby swimming by,

Might be enticed by me to leave the water.”

Then to her line a sugar-plum she tied,

And dropped it down into the water wide.—

By supper-time, wise Hal one fish had landed,
And Deborah another vear/y stranded,

Bridget with all her mind had fully meant

To do the same, but failed of her intent:

And Bess—Alas! poor Bess! her sugar-plum
Was melted quite away, and yet no Nix had come.
