[Loox at wise little Poily but five years old,
Yet she’s been out a-shopping, with silver and gold,
And her basket holds all that a basket can hold.
Look at brave little Poll, as she plods home again,
With her big blue umbrella, through mud and through rain,
She has two miles to go, yet she does not complain.
Her basket 1s heavy, as soon you would find
If you ventured ‘to lift it, but Poll doesn’t mind
Either burden, or weariness, shower, or wind.
Good speed to you, Polly, good luck to your store:
How glad you will be when you knock at the door,
And mother lets in her dear Polly once more.
Good-bye, little Poll, you are wise, I can see,
And steady and strong, and as brave as can be;
When I ‘ve sixpence to spare, you shall spend it for me.